As an inheritance from two empires, and a wide soul, the habitually typical Eastern mentality has changed.
- Hello! How do you? How are you?
In the West, it is customary to politely adhere to the Protestant ethic not to overload your interlocutor with unnecessary information - everything is super fine with me!
Well, we do not have the West ?! Therefore, we will answer as Russians, the full answer.
- "It's shitty! There the brick fell on my leg, I can't cash out a bank card, there's no money at the ATM. There aren't five ATMs. Yes, and my house got demolished."
"And now what?"
- "But I was lucky, they found an old bomb shelter, from the time of the Cold War!"
- Wow?
- "That's it! Lucky! What a bomb shelter from a nuclear strike. Reinforced concrete, steel plates, a lead ceiling. Breaking it will take a lot of money. Therefore, the investor decided to refuse, probably!"
- Cool!
- "Well, I say!"
- And what compensation was offered at least?
- "No dick! Impot for 20 years! Fucking is not capitalism! It's some kind of crap!"
- Ahhh! Well, let's go note this thing!
- "Yes, let's go eat some fried meat, drink some delicious Chinese oolong and the world will be better!"
- That's good, bro!
- "Well, you need to thank for this those old sages who were so afraid of a nuclear strike!"
- Ahahahahahhaa !!! The cold war helped!
- Yeah!
And in the West, it is not customary to share what is happening. Since there it is customary to be cool, successful, to realize the American dream!
The mentality difference is what you want. The difference in social value systems. Therefore, some will understand and smile, while others will not understand.
The difference of cultures, it happens in the world!