On holidays, you can write 3,000 words of raw materials, without editing or editing. On a typical working day, you can write from 600 to 1100 words of raw materials. When some events in the real world, sometimes a creative mood for 5-14 days can break out, then barely 250-300 words can be written in the chapters of raw materials.
That is, the general mood also affects the speed of writing chapters. Pros can write, regardless of events in the real world, with 3,500 words each.
An average of 1015 words is 2.2 A4 pages.
per day you can write raw materials at 7.5 pages. After editing, 890 words will remain.
in 7 hours - about 3100 words - of raw materials. If you make the first edit - + 2 hours, if you add editing and polishing + 5 days. It turns out that more or less, the read 3 chapters can take - time = 7 days.
Or 11 chapters of raw materials per week.
For good, a real writer should produce - high-quality material, its chapters, it's not enough but interesting to read so that it is easy.
But there is one nuance, if a thought came, then I want to state it, write it. Maybe it makes sense, first write everything - the whole novel in 100-200 chapters. And then at the end of the novel, they will already be engaged in editing, polishing, rewriting. But at the end of the work, apparently, it may turn out not the old novel, but the new one ?!