There are a lot of tips on the Internet, but until you try it yourself it will not work out. I'm a technician, it's easier for me to write my technical novels, according to a given "Standard", for example, for writing descriptions of software products for the system.
All clear. How to write. There are items that need to be inserted into the terms of reference. And write to yourself as much as you like.
And the novel also has its own standards, but the language there should be lively and not dry, without emotions, strict. The novel is written for readers so that they play emotions, positive or negative. In the technical literature, they write a text block on a complete fool, an idiot who is not able to understand or accept common sense. Well, at least they told us so.
Two different styles. In the technical need to prescribe the details, describe them. In the novel, you need to describe the emotions, the character of the character, his face, hair, what he thinks about, his environment, his world.
I am a prose lover, not a writer, so writing to me about the world seems like a waste of time. Meanwhile, this is important for the reader.
As well as to describe in detail the character of a person, how he looks. I'm more interested in writing what he thinks. But the reader needs data (according to advisers from literary critics) about the color of teeth, eyes, how he looks out the character.
I have already lost the habit of literary literature, I consider this an extra waste of my time. Facts, figures, data, this is interesting, but to me as an author, but not to the reader.
This is probably shown by such novels, where I write what interests me, the number of views from 20 to 35 thousand, the number of collections from 7 to 35.
And those novels where I write from the point of view of the reader, where there are emotions in addition to numbers, there are more than 135 thousand views and many collections up to 189! On the other hand, there are stories about the Silk Road, where dry style and emotional are combined, as this is a series of stories. There, in an amazing way, the number of views is more than 205 thousand, but only 45 collections.
A classic short story should have from 20,000 to 40,000 words. But this does not apply to our novels on DAO.
At first, I thought to start adding 45,000 more words for the Jiang Coin novel. But I see that the people read it a little. 23 thousand views and 19 collections. Maybe I should rewrite the novel? Having added new chapters, and reprint it? Or add those same 45,000 words? Or generally quickly finish in 2-3 chapters, writing 8000-9000 words? I'm not sure about that? Since the story, in principle, can come out interesting.
But the marketing chip will not work here. I should think...