Description of the character's character and the world in which he lives

In my novels I did not write about a character, I did not want to waste time on long descriptions. Wouldn't it be better if the reader himself formed an opinion on the character of the protagonist?

But all the great advisers insist that to write about the hero, the reader supposedly loves this. I do not like to go on the beaten track, it is not interesting. But as the practice has shown, those who follow the cliché are not athletic, come to the finish line first and take all the prizes.

Maybe I'm a special author? And are my readers unique? We do not like cliché? Well, let's leave the lyrics for later.

And so my main character is Dara.

At first, he was just a student in the history department. Which was a little engaged in agribusiness at a side job. He was a seller in the market, a farmer's market.

Then it turned out that he was the grandson of a master of sweets, who was also a lieutenant-general of the secret police (a cross between the federal bureau and the counterintelligence service of the national security agency).

Even more, he turned out to be a descendant of the cunning and treacherous Gift from Jiang's Magic Coin.

Only then did the author find out. That the character of the Gift is a strong, moderately brave, sometimes reasonable coward. An admirer of Sima Tsan and Chinese military strategy, a researcher of Chan Buddhism, and the comprehension of the bright Tao.

But behind his shoulders are the stories of his grandfather, the old communist, about the Cold War, the confrontation of good and evil. At the same time, Dara saw how those who had previously stigmatized the capitalists themselves became them. This contradiction ... grandfather called it the Eastern Paradox.

Dara, on the one hand, was not against people's choice, but he did not want free love, he had his own principles and vision of the world. By freedom of speech, Dara understood responsibility for words. Need to filter speech. Internal self-censorship. He was against freedom of speech, which was slanderous and permissive, which violated the freedom of other cultures. For it was not freedom of speech, but simply a substitution of concepts.

Dara loved to get to the truth. Therefore, he studied many sources of information. As it was with Poland. There were light and dark sides.

Temperament, Dara, was quick-tempered, emotional, he appreciated justice and acutely felt it. But as he gained life experience, Dara learned to restrain himself. From a maximalist, he turned into an eastern resident. And they are in no hurry to speak.

In society, Dara liked to communicate, to find common topics for conversation. But on the other hand, he loved to be silent, watch from the side. This was his contradiction.

Habits, Dara. He had stereotypes of behavior. Sometimes he could be higher than them but often followed the familiar rut. This was manifested in an imposed ideology. In society, Western culture was perceived from the perspective of a potential adversary. But on the other hand, everyone followed her, but not in the right, only on the outside. To go against the opinion of the society, which the West considered to be its opponents, Dara did not particularly want to. But he also did not want to represent Western culture as a culture of evil. Since Dara, he understood that any ideology is a deception, hypocrisy, and simply the imposition of stable stereotypes, to solve their interests, individual influential groups, and clans. But Dara did not want to get into this old world.

Dara was stingy, but also wasteful. He loved to collect money and spend it. He was hungry for money. But he also helped his neighbors. Contradictions were everywhere with him.

The world in which Dara lived.

Modern world. But at the same time, he switched from socialism to a feudal monopoly. The country is a former principality, then the emirate, Small-An, once included in the realm of TSAO once in the time of the Tang era. The territory of the country is 380 square meters. km The capital is called AN, the number of inhabitants is 1 million people. 70 percent of the desert and plains, 30 percent of the mountains. The highest point is 6300 meters, the lowest is 100 meters.

State management is carried out through clans and groupings.

Ideology - against imperialism, hidden against the dominance of the West, carried out by the former second empire.

Close trade, economic and political relations with China, Iran and Arab countries.

Moreover, the country has a very expensive Internet, a country on the outskirts of the civilized world. Priority is not given to science and technology, but to craft and tourism.

Once, Small-An, as part of the second empire, had its own construction plants - space satellites, fighters and helicopters, tanks. But over the years of independence, over 40 years, Small-An has lost both factories and specialists. All of their knowledge and projects were sold to the West.

Out of 100,000 scientists, engineers, and workers, only 20,000 remained. Moreover, these were more old people, pensioners and scientists of pre-retirement age.

The average salary in the capital was $ 250 and in the prefectures only $ 80-90.

GDP per capita per year was 2,300 US dollars.

And during the period of the colony, Small-AN had a GDP per capita of $ 45,000.

Small-An during the second empire was an economically developed country, part of the Superpower, the second in the world in economics and the first in arms.

Over the 40 years of independence, Small-An has become a third world country, without the high-tech industry, without the military-industrial complex. With an outdated 3rd generation weapons system in terms of heavy weapons. The lung was able to upgrade to the 5th generation weapon level.

Youth appreciated Western culture, but they perceived it superficially, not understanding the essence of freedom and responsibility. The old generation saw the West as their enemy. The middle generation did not care about the West and the ideology. They wanted to live and live well, just working and doing their business. They did not care about politics.

That was the world.