Statistics for 195 days

On 04/01/2020

Finished Stories - 1

Dropp - 1

Ongoing - 5

Collections 286 (minus 1)

Views - 414, 840 (+1510)

Words 333 160 (+1040) (+908)

Chapters 310 (+3) (+1)


Statistics after 195 days on 17/06/2020:


Finished Stories - 4

Dropp - 1

Ongoing - 4

Collections 470 (+184)

Views - 1050,048 (+635,208)

Words 554,750 (+221,590)

Chapters 592 (+282)

The average is 1136 words per day, instead of 2079 words. So there is a lag behind the schedule (purely conditional) by 943 words.

This is due to the fact that I am rewriting chapters, words are sometimes shortened. There is no creative mood to write. In one day I can write (raw) 7800 words and then within a week I can hardly write 980 words.

Well, there is still room to grow both in the speed of writing and in its quality.

If you focus only on the number of words, you can write a week - 14,000 words. But if you look at the quality, it will be below average. When rewriting chapters - the quality becomes slightly above average. But this is reflected in a more fascinating text block.

Although of course, rewriting chapters on the go leads to an outflow of readers and collections.

But here the author must decide what is important to him. Quality letter or number of subscriptions.

It seems to me that the rewriting of the novel is not necessary to the detriment of the reader's interest or rewriting at intervals or at the end of the novel. So far, these are the thoughts.