Statistics for 238 days

On 04/01/2020

Finished Stories - 1

Drop - 1

Ongoing - 5

Collections 286 (minus 1)

Views - 414, 840 (+1510)

Words 333 160 (+1040) (+908)

Chapters 310 (+3) (+1)


Statistics after 238 days on 26/07/2020:


Finished Stories - 4

Drop - 1

Ongoing - 5

Collections 494 (+24) In total, since January 04, 2020 - 208 collections have been received.

Views - You can skip the views since they are not entirely correct since 1 view is equal to 1 view and 2 or 9. Therefore, I decided not to take this data into account.

Words 665,790 (+111,040)

Chapters 610 (+18)

In just 238 days, 332,630 words were written. 208 new collections.

But it is very difficult to write during the quarantine period, it is impossible to cleanly gather and write 2900 words every day. Especially when the number of cases and deaths suddenly begins to grow in the city. At the same time, the statistics are clearly underestimated. I can't get myself together. tune in to write every day. Sometimes it turns out to write 4000 words and then 10 days of silence.


In 127 days there is a chance to write 167,370 words and complete one of the three tasks set for this year.

1. Write 1,000,000 words

2. If you fail to write 500,000 words

3. Collect 1000 collections.

But with this, it seems it will be more difficult to collect 506 collections.

At the same time, I rewrote two novels 5 times. The number of words and collections has decreased, but the quality has improved.