Statistics for 2020 and plans for 2021

Statistics for 1 year and 11 months:

1. viewed - 1,367,900 (it should be borne in mind that there are just views, which are not quite correctly counted, and not one work, but all together).

2. Collections - 565 (not very many).

3. Continue - 5.

4. Drop - 1.

5. Completed - 4.

6. Words written - 571.09 (about 200,000 more words were deleted after dropping one novella and rewriting another novella).

7. 619 chapters are written.

The set goal to write in 2020 - 1,000,000 words was not achieved, in total, about 320,000 words were written.

The goal of 1000 collections was not reached.

There are 230 new collections in total.

The goal of 1,000,000 views was not achieved, only 500,000 views. In less than a year, 11 months. Covid-19 intervened in achieving the goal.

Target for 2021: Write 800,000 words. Bring the number of views to 1,000,000.

The number of collections is up to 1000.

Write 1000 chapters.

Well, we'll see what happens there.

Plus to rewrite 1 novel.