This is how novels are written

You read a lot of short stories, but there is a delay in updating, you are not happy with the ending merged by the author from fatigue or a large volume of text, and then the termination of the contract.

You are angry. You think I'll write better! Illumination

! Idea! Start! Long introduction!

Writing all the actors, first, second, third. Detailed description of the world. Writing out characteristics. To then forget them, remember and forget again ...

Aah, can I quit writing about it?

A simple exposition of the plot, an empty plain, no one is there, the plot jumps and jumps, nothing happens.


Then the plot starts growing, interest, curiosity is shown, an intrigue is created!

What will happen next?

What is the main hero's move? Hope for romance ?!

When ... Never ... something ... on the plot. It turns out that writing well, concisely, clearly is difficult. But now, grammar has become better, machine checking helps in two stages!

Oh, I remembered, you need to give a climax ?! And here she is! Ahh, how boring ...

I was not expecting it, hey, readers wait ...

They are disappointed ... too many details ... in which you drown.

Ouch? Why is the climax of a chapter only 500 words and the first introduction 27,000 words ?? !!! Weird!

Suddenly, the story of the plot appears, there on the horizon, a hero in a flaw galloping on a donkey, looking not like a hero but like a beggar outcast.

Why is this necessary in this story?

And here is the denouement ... how banal, boring, uninteresting it is ... But wait, there all the actions unfold against an unusual magical background, and this is interesting, maybe the author will be able to break out of the dull cliché?

Oh, I'm the author myself? !!!

And then there was a long pause ... what to do ??? Let's start filler one, two, three, four, but there are no new ideas? !!! Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh filler !!!

Oh, the readers got bored, it took 50 at once! Let's give a twist, stories! Great! Exciting! In general, would it be necessary to start a new story? But do not throw old stories like stubs, not professionally ?! Let's finish this one!

But with a new twist! 60 readers came again! Oh, here I was wrong with the chapter, I wrote something from another novel, no wonder there are 11 of them! It's time to turn 5 novels out of them, all the same there, only 20-30 readers. Maybe later, I'll rewrite it?

The plot is slowly coming out on a straight line, but here ... something is missing, but oh well, you need to write, 2500 words a day ?!

Ahh, I can't write 1,000,000 words a year, only 200,000 words. Oh, covid Alpha, did not notice, covid Delta, 4 weeks of illness, almost went to another world, really.

But then I came to my senses, I smell like oil, my hair is falling out, my legs are not walking, my hands are shaking, my nails are breaking, my memory is turned off. It's time to write new chapters ... look, I haven't written anything for 8 months. Thank you, readers, waited for the update, only 180 readers left and 330 left!

Thanks!!!! In principle, there is no romance !!! Come on romance ???! No and never will !!!

Indistinct repetition, fixation on ideas, not enough drive to continue ...

Temporarily postponed the main story for later. We went to a new arch, but it is more dynamic and exciting !!! Until the main line is completed, it is incomprehensible ... The grand finale is still far away, as the promised 360 chapters are still far away, only 147! And the arch will be successful until January 2022! You can not be vaccinated for 1-2 months, and then get Modern!

Unknown reader reaction, late 2022. The beginning of a new story? Continuation of the new season? Ahh, the laptop burned out, the memory burned out, there is no new one for the old laptop, such cards have not been released for the last 16 years !!! Brother took the new laptop !!! Buy, a new one is not realistic yet, the end of March 2022 ?!

This is how novels are written ...

But I am dissatisfied with the beginning, the middle is interesting, nevertheless it is easier to criticize than to write the most interesting novel from the beginning of the middle to the end ... The only thing that can be said for sure is that what you write 600 or 1200 or 2500 words a day will come in handy in your life and work! Not only writing but also engineering, writing a description of software products requires you to have good vocabulary and the ability to write quickly. And then maybe you can write something interesting and you will be paid a little money for it. Or maybe you will be just glad that in 2 years you have been viewed by 500-900 thousand click-throughs!