
"Tell me the dragon story again mamwe." Pleaded a cute little child, as she gripped a thick green blanket, pulling it up to her chest. Her large brown eyes pleading with her mother.

"But it's so late already! Time for you to sleep my little Guppy." Teased her mother as she closed the tall black curtains and came to sit in a carved wooden chair by the bed.

"Please, please, please, mamwe. I'll be good and sleep right after!" the little girl entreated.

"Very well." Esmeralda could not help but grin at her little energetic child, and the exuberance she showed at the prospect of a story.

"You take after your father you know, always curious about everything, and far too in love with a good tale. I think tonight I will tell the tale of this world's formation. Now lie still and be quiet, I'm starting."

Esmeralda tucked a strand of Guppy's hair behind her ear and then sat upright on the edge of her seat. She closed her eyes and took a moment to gather her thoughts before starting the tale in a sonorous voice.

"A long long time ago when this world was still full of fire and smoke. There were Dragons. The dragons spread themselves across the world in twelve distinct tribes, each blessed with a unique color of scale, with magic and authority that matched.

Over these twelve tribes ruled a singular Dragon Emperor, possessing all the colors and powers of the collective Dragons. And while only one such Dragon was born each generation, their birthright was to rule the earth below, and the heavens above.

And so the Dragons dwelt on this world of Terrapia, and shaped the earth and skies to their liking with their powerful magics, bringing order and life to this chaotic world.

Many millennia passed, and within their domains the dragons discovered several new species arising on the lands they governed. While these new arrivals were all quite diminutive compared to the dragons, with no great strength to boast of, they were nonetheless endearing and entertaining in the dragon's sight.

And so the Dragons took stewardship over them.

Many years passed, and the dragons' pets, being educated and raised by the dragons, began to distinguish themselves.

Some sought peace, and harmony with nature in the dense woodlands, and called themselves Elves.

Some sought the secrets of fire, metal, and stone under the mountains, and called themselves Dwarves.

Some sought the freedom in the waves, currents and isles of the sea, and called themselves merfolk.

And some, some sought the stability and industry of the fertile plains, and called themselves humans.

Each were in turn blessed by the dragons who favored them.

To the Elves went Longevity, beauty and grace, along with talent in the magics of life. Their healer able to cure all but death itself.

The Dwarfs were gifted with courage, dexterity, and sturdiness, to best seek, and bend to their will the forges of metal and stone, their earthy magics only served to enable their obsession and they wrought great weapons and armor to battle their foes in the depths.

The Merfolk were given bodies that could swim in the sea and traverse its many islands freely, while their magics of trickery and weather matched their merry and fickle nature. They set out to explore every corner of their world to sate their boundless wanderlust.

The Humans were blessed not with Longevity, beauty or great inherent power, but with fertility to match the plains on which they dwelt, and diverse potential in each to match their boundless curiosities.

And so the dragons watched, and slumbered, and watched, as millennia passed and their pets grew numerous upon the lands…"

Esmeralda trailed off, smiling gently at her daughter who lay now fast asleep. She tucked her in, kissed her on her forehead, and turned off the magitech lamp, plunging the room into darkness.