Reference Chapter 1 - A Brief History of the Terrapian World

An extract from the tomes kept by the Order of the Unseen Eye, starting from their earliest translated tome to the current volume.

      -Royal Historian Archives of Darish

980 R.D. (Recto Draconis)

The four prime races, Humans, Elves, Merfolk, and Dwarves, are adopted and taught wild magic by the dragons to help them survive in the harsh world of Terrapia. They begin to thrive and spread across the continent.

10 R.D.

Humans, Elves, Merfolk, and Dwarves come together and with guidance from the high council of Dragons, created the Prime Magic Weave, abandoning the wild and difficult to control magic previously taught by the dragons.

This magic weave leads to a flourishing of magic and civilization amongst the races.

This event is contained in the earliest surviving record in our archive.

0 A.D. (Alto Draconis)

Foundation of the Draconis Empire by Humans, Elves, Merfolk, and Dwarves 10 years after the Prime Magic Weave was created. A long period of peace and prosperity ensues. The four races spread throughout every corner of the land and sea.

Known as the first golden age, over the next few centuries the citizens of the Draconis Empire wrought many marvels that now reside only in myth and legend.

1219 A.D.

The golden age ends when disputes over control of the weave lead to the First Great war between the four prime races.

This lasted 21 years until the High Dragon council intervened and withdrew both the control and access to the weave. With their assistance peace was rapidly established once more and limited access to the weave restored. but the rifts torn between the once peaceful peoples were not so easily mended or forgotten.

1235 A.D.

The Draconis Empire fragmented into Elf, Dwarf, Merfolk and Human Empires, each claiming lands to call their own.

1743 A.D.

It's leaders enthralled by power and greed, and after decades of civil war, the Human Empire dissolved into 15 Kingdoms. Each former warlord claiming kingship over their siezed domain.

1759 A.D.

A long period of strife and malice ensues amongst humankind, encouraged at worst and ignored at best by the other races who wanted no part of it.

3000 A.D.

Centuries of conflict and relative peace pass, civilizations grow, stagnate, regress, and grow again in a cyclical nature.

Knowledge of metallurgy and biology along with many other fields greatly advances in this time due to the curiosities of men in partnership with dwarves, elves and Merfolk.

3371 A.D.

Magical experiments by Archmagi Galafel from the Order of the Open Door led to the birth of the Beastkin, Orcs, Lycans, and Calgaree.

3371 A.D.

Control of the Beastkin was seized by the Hasis Human Kingdom, who then bred and used them to conquer their neighboring human nations. After 29 years of war they united the 15 human kingdoms into the Hasis Empire.

3400 A.D.

Official Establishment of the Hasis Empire. Great war preparations are undertaken both overtly and covertly. The other races watch on in denial and complacence, ignorent to the taste of war that has not touched them in millennia.

3405 A.D

The Imperial ambitions of the Hasis Empire led to the Second Great War, drawing in not only the four prime races but the three races of beastkin as well.

Yet as the human and beastkin armies marched across the lands unmatched the beastkin races revolted against the Humans and allied with the Dwarves, Merfolk and Elves. Seeking a chance to gain their freedom from their oppressors.

3423 A.D.

After years of fighting a losing war the Hasis Empire is exhausted and sues for peace.

End of the Second Great War. Beastkin peoples gain independence.

The continent breaths a collective sigh of relief and gets back to trying to survive and rebuild their cities and nations.

3424 A.D.

Establishment of the Beastkin Empire. They claim the entire North as their own, taking lands no one cared enough about to fight them for. At least not now.

3425 A.D.

Hasis Empire, worn out by decades of war, and rife with intrigue, plots and greedy nobles, is unable to hold itself together and begins to crumble.

3428 A.D.

The lands of the Hasis empire are claimed by 7 powerful nobles who then establish the 7 independent Human Kingdoms.

3500 A.D.

A revival of the archmagi takes place, magic knowledge and colleges abound. A new golden age of magic and peace begins.

4421 A.D.

While the Golden age of magic may have ended some 400 years ago, many cruel and greedy archmagi cling to power and wealth.

In many cases the Archmagi run a puppet government whose only purpose is to serve them and keep the commoners under control. Yet in reaction to this oppression a populist movement in opposition to the archmagi sprouts.

Scholars under a genius scientist establish the movement known as the Sons of Brass, a group of humans and Dwarves who abandoned the magic that they saw as corrupting and unethical, developing instead their science of refined metals and chemistry. They draw many to their ranks as they help the suffering and oppressed people.

4497 A.D.

While initially an ideological movement that did much to help and empower the populace, after years of discrimination and oppression the Sons of Brass radicalize and begin plotting the overthrow of the archmagi. They cast aside magic and develop weapons of metal and chemistry.

4505 A.D.

After their insurrection and bombing fails and only takes out about half of the archmagi the Sons of Brass are quickly proclaimed heretics and traitorous scum by the Human, Elf and Merfolk countries who were closely tied to the archmagi.

This sparks a civil war which quickly developed into something far larger, a world war.

4508 A.D.

Third Great War officially opened as the Sons of Brass openly revolt and seize several human and dwarven cities.

The war grew rapidly to include all 7 races, each picking a side.

Many humans, the beastkin and the dwarves side with the Sons of brass.

The Elves and Merfolk join the archmagi of the pure magic faction, many of whom are prestigious leaders in their races.

Tens of millions die in the long, long war.

4657 A.D.

Tired of the war that never seemed to end a new faction arose. Eschewing both the Pure Magic Weave and the clunky mechatronics of the Sons of Brass, they pioneered a new path.

The greatest minds from all the races, splintered off from both factions, and managed to fuse the best of their skills and knowledge into what came to be called Magitech.

This new faction rapidly gained popularity due to their idealism and effectiveness. Before long the Calgaree and Lycans broke off from the Sons of Brass to join them.

4662 A.D.

The Magitech Movement sought to use these new friends and powers to end the Third great war.

4665 A.D.

Ending of the Third Great War by the Magitech Faction. Magitech abounds across all the lands,

Dwarves and Elves, their populations decimated, retreated from the world, holding fast to their traditions and homelands to recover their heritage and population losses.

The Lycans choose to retreat into the northern wilds, claiming the forests as their homelands.

The Orcs were deemed too dangerous, and barring a few escapies, the entire race was enslaved by the Humans.

The Calgaree, who greatly supported the Magitech revolution, are pardoned from past wrongs and integrated into the human Kingdoms.

The 7 Kingdoms are reformed with new borders and now constitute the majority of the continent.

4993 A.D

Present Day. The human nations have greatly recovered and the human, Calgaree, and even enslaved orc populations have experienced a boom due to advancing agricultural technology and over 300 years of relative peace.