A New Life - part 2

Guppy was knocked out of her drifting thoughts when the carriage clattered to a halt. She heard the carriage driver hop off the driving bench up front and walk round to the back to retrieve her luggage.

Scant though her luggage may seem for a noble with only a single suitcase, it contained several sets of the academy's uniform, the royal colors of scarlet and gold dominating the tailored outfit's design.

The suitcase was deposited outside the carriage's door, which was then smoothly opened for her by the silent driver.

Guppy ducked through the carriage doorway and got her first view of the academy that she would be attending for the next few years.

Even in the dusky twilight air it was impressive, especially so as lights twinkled on from rooms across the buildings in response to the approaching darkness, shedding a halo that pushed against the dying light.

Although the encircling walls blocked sight of what must be quite extensive gardens, they could not hide the massive dodecagramal structure from which twelve colored spires rose. Each tower was connected by gossamer walkways that stretched between them in symmetrical bridges.

Guppy remembered to breath when she heard the carriage depart behind her.

This, this was where the best mages, artificers, and enchanters came to learn their crafts from the ages of eighteen until- well until they left to ply their crafts.

Guppy grabbed her bag, took a fortifying breath and marched up to the gates.

She was about to pass them when she heard a grinding of metal and parting air, her instincts threw her backwards in a quick bound as two brass spears swung downwards where she had been a moment ago.

Guppy straightened, and did not press forwards, the alternative was skewering herself on two pointy bits of metal after all.

Two metal men- no golems, wielding archaic arms and armour had emerged from recessed positioned within the gateway's arch and taken a swing at her!

"Wait! Zarak's Teeth! Stop you stupid golden cans! What's the command word again- right! Heralds I bid thee Hold!"

A flustered and rather rotund man staggered into view as he rounded the corner and exited the gate. He took a moment to rest against one of the mobile statues, catching his breath before he turned to Guppy.

"Gatekeeper Klip at your service miss. Don't you know there's no entry after dark? Good thing I was awake and ready or these here magic guys would have poked some holes in ya. Now what can I do for ya?"

Guppy had to stifle a grin at the blustering man's words. He looked like he'd almost had a heart attack himself seeing the statues move, which judging by his manner was not an everyday occurrence.

"Good master Klip, my name is Henrietta Cooper, I am a new student of this Academy, though I fear I have arrived late due to my long journey. Please get your guards to stand down and allow me entry."

The words felt awkward and stiff to Guppy, but Emily and been- intense when tutoring her on her new cover, including basic manners of speech. Thankfully Guppy had always been a quick study and had picked up the basics in a few days.

Emily had remarked that she wouldn't pass for true nobility, but as her cover was a provincial noble not much would be expected of her either.

"Right, right. A moment milady." called out Klip, as he then muttered to the statues before pulling out a wand and poking them a few times, the golems responded by moving back into their shadowed alcoves.

Klip looked visibly pleased with himself, drawing in his gut before he turned to Guppy once more.

"Now then Miss, please present your noble crest for verification!"

Guppy retrieved the badge Emily had gotten made for her, the oval plaque bore the Cooper family crest of a pidby bird carrying a stalk of wheat in its beak.

The thing was supposed to be enchanted and unduplicatable outside the official noble registrar office. Guppy rather suspected that's exactly where Emily had gotten it made.

Klip accepted it from Guppy and tapped it to a block he had retrieved from his belt, which then hummed and turned red.

"Perfect, a genuine crest, welcome to the Academy Miss Cooper! This way please." Klip waved her through the gate with a bow.

Guppy complied, accepting her crest back she walked forward and crossed the gate's threshold, feeling a tingle up her spine as she did so.

She began walking down the long paved path to the distant buildings before a horrified Klip rushed over from a flat bed cart to which he had turned.

"No no miss, we'd not make you walk all the way there! Take this horseless carriage, it's got a magitech engine built in and it's enchanted to take you right to the administration doors."

Guppy felt more than ever her poor upbringing as she sat down on velvet cushions and let the nervous gatekeeper switch the device on. He then waved cheerily to her as it smoothly clicked and moved down the stone paved path.

Guppy sat back and relaxed, at least this way she got to admire the gardens as she traveled. True she could not see far with dark descending, but lights set in intervals along the path illuminated flowerbeds full of neatly ordered plants.

They weren't in bloom due to the late season, and the encroaching of winter, but the variety displayed and obvious care they received promised a dizzying display come spring.

And the flowerbeds were the least of the decorations! Short hedges backed the flowerbeds, framing them and the path both, with gaps for only the occasional statue, who's clothing grew more and more old fashioned as the trip progressed.

Guppy had to suppress some very unladylike snorts at some of the rediculous outfits the last few mages sported.

But, as with all good things, the ride came to an end. All too soon Guppy found herself facing two large dark wood doors that towered over her as she timidly, and then with greater force knocked upon them.

She waited a full minute before the doors silently swung open before her, revealing a tired looking Calgaree. Guppy's sharp ears picked up the beastkin muttering about flaming mid semester transfers before the Cagaree coughed into one grey furred hand and spoke up.

"Miss Cooper? We've been expecting you. My name is Vicklash Calgaree. I am the matron, and head of housekeeping here at the Royal Academy. Please follow me as I lead you to the boarding house for the fairer sex."

Guppy demurely complied, following the elderly Calgaree down several long corridors and then along a covered walkway whose walls lay open to the grounds.

"The east dormitories belong to the ladies, while the west are assigned to the young lords, you may mingle freely during class and after they end for the day, however it is frowned upon to be outside your dormitory after dark. Especially after the eight pm curfew.

Should you be foolish enough to break curfew, or too many of the other rules we have, we have full permission from all parenting groups to discipline the offending student during their stay here. I advise for your sake you toe the line milady, I do so hate to clean up the mess a girl makes after a public lashing."

Guppy's eyebrows rose as the diminutive Calgaree carried on, she did not laugh at the rules as they were listed, although quite a few seemed rather strange and lacking context.

Before long they had entered the second dormitory level and swept past numerous rooms. Then Vicklash stopped, turned towards Guppy, and gestured to a door at the very end of the corridor.

"Here is your room Miss Cooper, and here is your key. Good night."

The Calgaree left as abruptly as she had stormed in, leaving Guppy clutching a delicate brass key in one hand and her suitcase in the other.

As quiet descended Guppy heard a pitter pattering of feet and clicking of keys in locks as other doors were unlocked. She saw a number of heads poke out of doorways and felt a flush of embarrassment at the sudden attention.

Guppy whirled to her door, quickly unlocked it, and bolted inside. She'd get to know her neighbour's tomorrow after all. Tonight at least, she had to herself.