Chapter 2

As we rushed our way through the school following close behind our teacher I noticed that it wasn't just our class but the whole school was evacuating. Why? That's when it hit me, the smell of smoke I quickly began looking around to see signs of smoke or flames. But nothing just the smell, not even enough of a smell to cough over.

My thoughts were interrupted by the teachers yell "We're almost out, remain calm and keep moving!"

I finally realized this was probably just a precaution there might have been a small fire that got put out but the school still has to evacuate everyone. That's probably all it was, so there's nothing to worry about. If anything it's kinda good I'll get to go home early and play some games.

I couldn't have imagined what I would see next, a sight that I would remember for the rest of my life.

As we finally reached the doors and opened them, I saw...