Chapter 24

I sat on the side lines reading through the names and looking at the guys backs to figure out who was who, my eyes caught eye of someone running in the crowd of guys. I only saw a glance of him, but I'm sure I had seen him before. I stood up to look and see if I could find him, my eyes quickly locked on to him, his beautiful long silver hair. It was the guy from before, the one who I bumped into on my way to the court yard. What a coincidence to see him here, he really is a captivating person, I haven't even spoken with him yet and I'm already able to identify him in a room of people.

I can't say I've every felt this way before, back home I never had an interest in guys, and I was never so interested in a person solely because of there appearance.

I wonder if this is a crush, bout time I was pretty late with getting one. I drift off into thought thinking about all the times my friend used to tease me about how I had no interest in guys like they did. I feel sad remembering them, right now I don't know where any of them are. Whether they are alive or not, not to mention I have no means of finding out. I really do hope they are all ok, I also hope we meet again someday in the future.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden yell echoing through the court "Alright that's it, from here you guys will just be having a free throw contest. Our new member Maya over there" She pointed at me from across the court, I immediately jolted up "She will be taking score, please help her and ensure that she sees your names until she gets used to everybody. See ya I'm going to plan our new training program starting tomorrow." All the guys groan in disappointment.

"Maya it's great to meet you, ask if you need any kind of help and lets get started." A blond guy yelled to me, I saw the back of his shirt and he is the team captain.

"Thanks, I'll do my best." I replied.

The guys line up at the line K showed me and I took my place at the other side of the court to throw the ball back. The guys were great, even though my throws didn't make it all the way back they never complained and waited for them to roll over to them and they turned around after every shot and yelled there names out for me so I could keep proper score. Well with a few exceptions, three guys I didnt know and the guy with the silver hair. They just turned and walked to the back of the line slowly, thankfully the next guys in line would yell out there names for me.

Practice went by rather quickly, the person who scored the most was actually that guy with the silver hair, whose name I finally learned was Ken. He was a really good shot, only missed once the entire time, he even beat the captain. Just as K said I left the clip board with Nana and left to meet the driver at the gate. I felt bad leaving Nana to clean up on her own, there wasnt much to clean up but still, she refused to let me help her clean up anyways. I can't wait to come tommorrow, i know I didnt do much but I still had fun.