Chapter hundred and fifty-two: Shadows?

She looked through the window as she observed the starless night. The brother's meeting had gone on longer than she anticipated, leaving her with an option to sleep away her night before Daejong really finished up the meeting.

When he saw her peaceful slumber when his brother was gone, he silently laid beside her, enjoying the intimacy of their closeness while taking care not to wake her up.

They went shopping the next morning as it was on their to-do list, and she surprised him. She had a clear sense of style for sure. Walking down the aisles of every store,she was instantly drawn to anything that was soft, fuzzy and bright. From jackets and coats, to shoes and accessories. Their gift carriage was filled with all the items that met these three golden standards.

She tied a colorful scarf which grabbed her attention round his neck, a gesture of love. "Husband?" She called out softly.
