Chapter hundred and fifty-four: Spring

Beneath the melted snow, a sea of flowers had begun to bloom, their colours as vibrant as the incoming season. As Yoona strolled through the gardens excitedly, allowing her mind to wander as it pleases, she simply focused on the warmth of the sun on her face and the crispiness of the afternoon breeze. Delight rushed through her vein as she bent down to pluck a single lily flower for her little princess, a clear reminder that joy was all around her only if she looked closely.

The first sign of warm weather and flowers in bloom had her scrawling her signature on lacy invitations. After an especially snowy winter, she was ready to embrace spring and all other fun it brought with it! And to her, there was no other better way than to bask in the season than with a sophisticated tea party attended by the harem women and prominent wives of the ministers and business tycoons.