We Were In Love Once

The party continued merrily following its program after dinner. The popular hosts actively initiate different games tonight made the guests entertain a lot.

Spencer, Mark, Rudolf, Gary, and other men now talking on the side. Jana joined them and chatting for a while, but she then left to entertain the other guest. Few celebrities she knew come over to their table and chatted with her. They are interested to know how she knows President Spencer. She just answered that he is the owner of other brands she used to endorse before, and his company is consistent in giving donations until now.

They quickly believe her and asks if she could introduce them to him. Deana can't decide, then, she just told the girls that if she could get to talk to Senator Reyes. She will ask him to introduce Spencer to them. They were satisfied with her answer so now they just asked random stuff.

When she spotted Mark that follows Kitty away from the crowd, she casually walks towards that direction. She acted like she wants to play with Kitty and she will bring her to the other kids in the playground. Kitty was happy, complains her daddy is boring. Mark laughs while scratching his head.

She then casually whispered to Mark before she and Kitty left.

"Mark, the girls wanted to meet Spencer." She gestured meaningfully and Mark understand. The senator grinned.

She brought Cassie to the nearest playground. Lorraine saw her, she moves to her bench and sits beside her to chat.

She is thankful that Lorraine did not ask her anything about the past. Lorraine just frequently asked about the foundation she established.

"Deana, I have a Swiss friend, they were planning to do a Medical Mission here in the Philippines. The first thing that pops up on my mind is your Foundation."

"Wow. Is that true? Jana's team who are now helping to organize the volunteers, I am sure they will be so happy about this news. Thank you, ate Lorraine," she was overwhelmed.

"You are very welcome. You did a very good job. Just," Lorraine shrugged her right shoulder. "You let your career fall. Why?"

She didn't saw it coming. She is not prepared to answer that question. She smiled.

"Umh. There are things that better to stay as what they are. Things that let it be a way to a better opportunity."

Lorraine wanted to keep ask another question but she respects how Deana wanted to bury the past. She could see she was totally fine and there's no trace of pain from the past. She smiled and open another topic although she is also curious who is that mysterious guy that link to her name. The rest of the netizen only concentrate on bashing her about being a cheater. But for the like of Lorraine, she is more intrigued who is that guy?

Deana did not confirm, but she did not deny either. So what is the truth?


Later on, the host asking for everyone's attention. The host is requesting for the groom and bride's closest friend to tell how the two have met.

Deana was surprised, she glances at Jason which his gazes been following her around. Their eyes met and seem they were talking. She looks away. She should not be feeling anything, anymore.

"Alright, anyone? Is there anybody could share to us?"

"All we know, the bride's best friend is Miss Deana! Can we invite you on the age? This lovely lady, please the floor is yours!"

The host eagerly invited her to come in front. So she was forced to come up to the stage.

"Good evening, everyone. Well, Jana and Gary actually met in one of our Medical Mission. Gary is our sponsored by that time. Then, Jana and I, we just recently get close to each other that time as well. She volunteered to join to climb with us which is Gary who leads his team at that time. We stayed in the mountain for 3 nights and 4 days. I guessed that is the beginning these two having a crush on each other."

She shared more story about Jana and Gary's love story. But all of those, she avoids mentioning about Jason. Because it was he who introduced Gary to her that interested in helping the Foundation. Yes, she was madly in love with Jason by that time. In love that everyone thought it will lead to the altar.

Gary and Jana were newly engaged by that time when her controversies came out. She finished her sharing and leave the stage. Jana hugs her. She was actually a little teary-eyed and blame Deana for making her cry before her wedding day.

The pre-wedding party continues until Kitty is falling asleep. Mark told Kitty to go back to their villa but Kitty won't let go of Mariel's arm. Deana offers to accompany Mariel to put Kitty to bed.

"I'm really sorry girls to trouble you."

"Don't worry, Mark. It is fine. I know how you knew it is one of kids cute tantrum."

"Thank you again, Deana, and Mariel."

"Don't mention it, Mark," said Mariel, she was now carrying Kitty on her arms.

Truth is, Deana took this opportunity to left the garden. She doesn't want to stay any longer. Not only she is uncomfortable but she missed the call from Los Angeles, it must be regarding the ongoing film.

They informed Jana to left early and she understood. Even her, she wanted to go with them and hang out all night just with these two girls. However, she can't leave her guests.

When Kitty finally falls asleep deeper and now let go of Mariel, they move to Deana's villa to continued chatting. The two nannies wanted them to stay to hang out with them more. They believe that Deana can't do as what the scandal says. She is their idol until now, because of her being down to earth all the time.

Deana makes two cups of a black coffee because of Mariel still having a bit tipsy. It's getting midnight so Mariel decided to go back to where she is staying at the resort, Deana offers to accompany her.

She is now walking back to her villa when someone pulled her behind the bushes. Her eyes grew wider after recognizing the person.