What's Going On Here?

Deana entered the villa she stayed in, and she quickly throws her body toward the soft bed. She stares at the ceiling and recalls what happened earlier. Jason is such an idiot. But if Spencer hasn't come, she doesn't know if what already happens. Either a heated argument between her and Jason or she did beat him severely.

Spencer's jacket! She forgets to give it back to him. Deana sat up then made a debate inside her head if she should go to Spencer's villa or waited tomorrow to give his jacket?

In the end, she found herself making her way to his villa. She knocks on the door, but no one is answering.

Where is he? Did he go back to the party dinner? She asked herself.

Oh, it's getting colder, and she is wearing the same backless dress. Deana was about to leave when the door opens. She then saw a half-naked man who his lower body was only covered by a bath towel. Spencers seems just done taking a shower.

"Deana? What's the matter? Is there any problem? Does Jason still bothering you?" Spencers asks her continuously.

"Oh, um..." she avoids looking at his direction. How come this guy hasn't felt the cold night? She speaks to her mind again. "I just wanted to give this back," she finally said it then stretches her hand holding the jacket.

Spencer reaches her hand but not to take the jacket but to pull her to come inside his villa. Deana got panic as she found herself lock by Spencer's arms.

What's going on here? She screams inside her head.