Nursing Him


Spencer drove the sports car leaned by Quinn for him to use while in the city. He is heading toward the Williams Facility, where Quinn scheduled the meeting for tonight.

This is the time the King's Men gathered in one place. Spencer glanced at his rearview mirror and noticed the car behind him, which gave a familiar lighting signal. It is one of the King's Men, so he responded, and the vehicle tails him.

After half an hour of driving outside the City, they arrived at the facility, which could view the entire city from that height.

There are other King's Men who just arrived a minute ahead of him. So he waited for his turn for a security check. After they're done, he proceeds to the scanner area and thoroughly checks next by the security.

Spencer follows the procedure until he finishes and receives permission to enter the parking area inside the facility.

The meeting went well... afterward, the men went to one of Daichi's pubs to drink all night.

When they arrive at the pub, which is closed for an exclusive gathering tonight, he strides towards the bar and grabs a whiskey, then pours it into a glass. He drank it in one go.

"Whoa! What is this? The great President Spencer is planning to get drunk? Unlikely sight!"

"And what is this? The Great President Larius is jesting which not so like him?" he returns the tease.

Larius laughs. "What's the matter?" he asked Spencer afterward.

"Nothing," he answered lazily.

"Come on! Like I didn't know why you were sulking," Larius did not give up that Spencer would open up to him.

"Shut up." Spencer brought the bottle and dropped his body to the couch.

Larius Anthony shook his head but followed him and kept pestering all night, which others to join their table.


He woke up with a hangover. Damn it. He forgot he had a meeting early in the morning. He even feels fatigued. Does he have the flu?

How lame of him. When does the last time he has a fever? He actually can't remember anymore, but today, he felt like having one.

'My head...' he groans. He searches for his phone, then dials his assistant's phone number.

"Jake, where are you?" he asked the person on the other line.

"Boss, I was in the lounge, waiting for you. We have a meeting with our clients less than half an hour from now, have you forgotten?"

'Fuck it!' he cursed.

"Get me some medicine or anything for fatigue."

The other line stays silent. Jake was probably in disbelief, and so Spencer gave instructions and then ended the call.

He needs to send Jake to his meetings today. He thought.

Spencer lay back on his bed and closed his eyes. He hadn't known he would fall asleep again.

He woke up from a pleasing aroma of food that looks was currently cooking. Spencer felt a damp towel on his head. Did Jake put them before he went to the meeting? Ah, why he asked himself?

It is better to check out since he doesn't feel dizzy that much anymore. Spencer gets off his bed, then strides outside toward the mini-kitchen that includes his apartment-type suite.

Surprise, he could not help but adore the person who occupied the kitchen and was immersed in stirring the casserole on the stove.

"Doesn't you have a photoshoot today?"

"Ay, Kabayo!" she screamed.

Spencer cannot hold to laughing at her expression. But upon realizing it, he wipes the smile on his lips and wears that poker face he used to show in front of her.

And Deana is feeling disappointed. She was prepared to scold him for startling her, but she saw him laughing. It stunned her to see his handsome smiling face. However, he quickly switches his moods. She sighed in secret.

"Are you planning to give me a heart attack? It would help if you got at least cough or something to announce your presence," she pouted.

"Ah, my bad. I'm sorry."

Dumbfounded, she stays peering at him for half a minute. When was the last time she heard him saying he was sorry? She can't remember any because his words must be the rules. She sighed.

"Um... the porridge has done simmering; you can have it first. The stew will follow; the meat hasn't completely softened yet."

"Okay. But it would help if you didn't have to bother cooking me with those. I can request the kitchen to make them."

Deanna gathered her courage to meet his gaze. "It's fine. My photoshoot ended early so I could take a break for the day."

"How about your boyfriend? Where is he?" he is curious to know.

"Um, he has someone he needs to meet. I heard it was the son of his family's business partner. He was residing here for good after getting married to a daughter of a prominent family in the city."

"I see."