
They didn't stay much, and start preparing to go back, they still have classes tomorrow.

"I guess, these place would be better if we can stay longer." Euna felt sad.

"Hey, we're here just to unwind and that's enough treat for ourselves, thanks to Derek who spend a lot for these."

"Yeah, thank you and thank you also for inviting me, I thought it would be a lonesome weekend."

"So, pay me later guys, okay"


Exactly 3 in the afternoon, they were back at the city.

"Thanks guys see you in school tomorrow", Euna bid goodbye.



"Dude,you like her don't you ?" Derek directly asking.

Looking at Yohan's expression having a lot of hints and mischievous.

"Ha! I knew it!"

"Why? Is it too obvious?"

"Dude, was that even a question?"

"Anyways I'm tired, see you tomorrow."


🎶🎶🎶🎶 Yohan was singing happily on his way to school.

"Seems in good mood?" Greeted by Derek.

"Can't you see the sky seems bluer than it usual?"

"Dude, your sick, let's go see the nurse!"

They went straight to the school clinic, which looks like a mini hospital, equipped with machines and sufficient medicines for students, by looking from it a minimal surgery could be administered swiftly.

"Nurse, I think my friend is sick!"Derek exclaimed.

The nurse who just came in, were in bad mood, it's too early in the morning yet, these students were keeping there pranks on them. These past days, many students went there just to waste their time, just because of the new nurse who is much younger than her and sexier than her came in, male students tend to fluctuate at the clinic and all they do was to flirt with her.

She was about to let them have an earful morning but immediately shuts up, when she see Yohan, the most handsome in campus.

"Good morning, what can I do for you?"

"Nurse, I think he's sick, his brain was jumbled, he might have a concussion." Derek diagnosed.

"Sorry, nurse to bother you, but I'm fine."

"Man, I can't believe you're really getting me a check up, let's go!"

They left and apologize again.

The new nurse just came in.

"What's wrong with them?"

"Oh, nothing, they're on their prank again, I think."

Sorry for the trouble, Jenny the new nurse suddenly felt bad.

"No it's fine, they were just still young and enjoying their youth, sometimes I get mad because they won't take health a serious matter, but they're enjoying to watch how cheeky and they fool sometimes.Let just do our job well."

"Yes ma'am."

The bell rang, and it is the start of their first class.

Everyone was in their respective room, Class B where Euna, Yohan, Derek were in was in much chaos now.

"Euna,"Yohan called.


"Oh, nothing!"

The door suddenly open, and the math teacher pop up immediately.

Everyone went on silent mood.

"Ehm! Exam result were ready, I'll hand them on, but there's something I want to reiterate, whoever cheated on my class will be automatically expelled, but if he or she admit it now we'll give it a chance to take another set of exam and be suspended for a week...

Now, stand and remorse your mistake!"