Auntie went crazy

"Where have you been?"

"Auntie, you scared the heck out of me, why do you need to show looking like that."

"What, it's a face mask, I'm just taking care of my skin."

"Now you paid attention to yourself, but whenever I told you so, you never bother to listen, what made my aunt to be like this,no?"

"Hey, you should stop thinking that way, you always act like a detective, like something that it will be innocent until proven, what's that again ?"

"Hahaha, okay okay, that's just a question."

"Let's just eat."

"Oh, I'm sorry again, I ate already."

"Hmm, now you're the one who's suspicious....where are you going..

"I'm heading to my room, auntie." She shouted.

"Come here you brat, we need to talk."

"Ughh, I went to my teacher's house, don't worry."

"What, who's teacher? Why did you go there?, what happened."

"What were you thinking?"

"Did your teacher ask you a favor like you know that.."


"That thing ... like favoring sexually..."

"What!...Ughh! will you stop watching dramas or sort what give you an idea, and I'm not going to do that over my dead body."

"I know, but you know nowadays teens like you were pressured or such..."

"Auntie Jane!"

"Okay, my teacher is a girl and all we did was just talking."

"Oh.. okay, good night."

"That's it?"

"Go on, I need to take good care of my skin."

"When did my aunt change?" she mumbled.

She went into her room and before she sleep she remembered the book.




"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plan to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

She didn't know that the word was too powerful, but still left in curiosity who is Lord.

For the first time, she got no answers.

She think this was a time for investigation again, but she was just too tired.

... ...

"Baby, we're so proud of you, you grow up so well..


"Take care always, baby we're just fine with your Dad, we love you."


Euna wakes up crying, she felt a pang in her heart, she misses them so much.

"Euna, have breakfast ready."

"Was she still sleeping?"

And Jane went inside her room.

"What's wrong ?"

"I just missed them, auntie.."

"Shhh... that's alright."

She tap her back and noticed the book beside the lamp stand..

"Euna, you're reading the Bible?"

She wiped her tears, "you know this book auntie?.."

"We have that in the house, and your parents actually give it to me, they read that a lot of times, you never saw them reading this?"

"What I saw was a book but it was covered with a leather, I thought it was just a story book and mom treasures it so much, but I didn't paid much of attention."

"Silly girl, your mother is as busy with business and you're Dad at the hospital but they never missed our reading this, you should have acted like you're acting right now...curious about everything."

"But, why they didn't teach me things like this."

"They did, remember when you were young, they teach you a lot, prayers and stories about Jesus."

"Jesus? That sounds familiar."

"You still can't remember? ...but you can fully remember what happened during the accident."

"I'm sorry, I really can't... "

"That's fine, oh wait, did you check what Sarah brought you the last time?"

"Oh..that, I forgot already."

"Wait here and let me get it for you."

Auntie Jane, I think I'm going to be late, I'll check it out later.

Oh..ok then, prepare and have some breakfast.


K high were really improving, the students abide as well in the new rules and regulations, ...most of it were doing great.

Students were favored fairly, those who were economically well-off actually loved the new setting of the school, their parents may hate it but they can't do about it, they were forced to accept everything, and the Principal lowered his guard and been warm and open lately.