Her story to tell

"Why am I crying ?"

Euna told herself while wiping her tears, it was 12 midnight and she just cry herself until she fell asleep.

It wasn't her alarm that wakes her up, it was the call of Yohan, her phone has been ringing for so long...

"What's up?", she casually held her phone and talk seriously.

"Why were you not at school today?"

Euna then look at the time, it was already 10 a.m.

"Oh shit!, could you cover me up for the next subject, I'll try to come this afternoon."

"Hey, what's going on ?"

"Would you believe me if I tell you, that I just woke up."

"Oh, ok then, let's talk later, change up already."

At the cafeteria.

"Is she okay ?"

"Grace, she just woke up.."

"Euna ? just what ?.. Dude that's a record."

"Babe, don't be like that, maybe something came up, or there's really going on, you might not know."

"See, your girlfriend's better, that's why you always loss."

"Babe, don't be like that in front of other people, I have pride,, especially in front of this arrogant man.."

"Ha ha, ok babe I'm sorry."

"See, dude I won!"

"Tsk tsk, just buy me some fries, I want bbq flavor."

"Dude, your much more demanding than my girlfriend."

"Euna's not here, I should saved up to treat her more, and Grace doesn't eat anything...your money would rot, c'mon..."

"Ha ha, go on babe, I want some as well, thank you!"


"Now we're the only one left, I want to correct your nonsense."

Yohan held his two arms up..

"Hey, I didn't know you hold grudges, I'm sorry, I didn't meant it."

"Hahaha, okay okay, ... so, Euna's fine right?"

"I hope so, yeah...I know she would be fine."

Derek came back after a minute.

"Dude, I couldn't believe you hit on my girlfriend, now you go and buy."

"Haha, okay, jealous prince."


They were enjoying there break when, Michelle suddenly came up to their table.

"Yohan, could you help me at my calculus, I'm having a hard time."

Yohan just flinch his eyebrows, like "who the heck is this"

"Oh, I'm Michelle...I'm in section C, and I heard you tutor Derek one time that he got 95 on math, I was just asking if you could help me?"

Her tone suddenly went seductively.

Grace was about to respond but Yohan say something.

"Ah, I'm sorry but I don't care!"

Michelle was lost of words, she didn't expect Yohan's response... all she thought he would reject her in a nicely manner, like his busy or what, but his words totally give an end to the conversation, she has no other choices but to go away.

"Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, then." Maintaining her apologetically look.

"10 points!"


"Nothing, you deserve a perfect point, Euna's not here but your loyalty is really awesome," then Grace gave him thumbs up.

"Yeah, dude, I never see you being cold like that again."

"Ehm, you should also be like that, I couldn't believe you talk and smile with other people."

"Hey, babe I wasn't like that, I just smile with you, to others those were fakes, promise."

"Uh-oh, I smell a hot and spicy beef grilled fight to start."

"What?" Both of them were looking at Yohan.

"Nothing, go on guys."

They were about to pinch him when the bell rang, and Yohan started to run.


"Babe, let's get revenge."