K High

"It's raining, Euna get some hot soup before leaving for school, eh!"

"Auntie, I'm going to be late so I'll just eat it when I'll come back."

Because of things they did last night, Euna lacks sleep.

"Ughh, I can't believe it's raining today...bye Aunt Jane."


She was rushing towards the bus stop hoping the earlier trip were still there.

"Baby, you're late."

"What did you just said?"

"You're late..."

"No, not that, the word before that."

"Baby...why? Can't I call my girlfriend baby?"

She just looked away from him.

"Hey, what now?", while turning her head to look at him.

She was blushing. It was Yohan's first time to see her acting like that. He felt his heart beating hardly, knowing that the girl he liked were in the same ship as he were.

"You look cute."

"Girl, come on down, the Principal has a big announcement." Grace were pulling her not knowing that the two were having moment.

"Why are you blushing",she continued.

"Was I? Let's just go."

Everyone rushes towards the gymnasium.

"I want to let you know, for the years I've been the Principal in these school, I've made this to be on top."

"Gosh, can't he be more arrogant."

"Shh, let's wait."

"Given then, we remain to be one of the most performing school, and recognize by prestigious colleges as they scout students here in K high, but recently, I think I've been engrossed to be on top, you know students maintaining success is a real tough."

"Come on, you're just too obsessed."

"Grace, we hated him okay, so don't be carried away check your heart you may get a highblood pressure right now,..let's hear him out more."

"With that I forgot why is this school created, it was after all the welfare of all of you, I won't promise you anything right now but I'll try to change it for all our own good."

Others were clapping and satisfied, but some were in doubt still.

"I think, scaring him like that worked."

"Let's see if it's real this time."

Everyone head to their respective classes.

It's their English Class,..

"As the principal had said, some of our teaching style would change a bit, exams and quizzes would be lessen, but more on practical activities."

"Ohh, Ms. what practical activities?"

"It's like having an actual interview, peer evaluation, weather forecasting, announcement, reporting, and others, but exams would still be there like as usual."

In a snap, changes where everywhere, the canteen has better food, and the rules were updated, demerit points for students were removed and changes to labor work like cleaning restroom, wedding grasses, painting walls.

"Wow, what made Mr. Principal to be a saint",Ms. Yang talk nonchalantly beside Euna and Grace who were looking at the bulletin board, while she was eating an ice cream.

"Ma'am,"Grace were so surprised, Euna on the other hand, didn't bother.

"I taught I'll be the pioneer to do these changes, anyways this is quite good, good job,"then she left without a trace.

"What do you mean?"

"Grace where is she?"

"There standing beside the trash can",pointing at her.

"You should find Derek, I'll catch you guys later",then run towards Ms. Yang.