
Just a month later.

Euna fully recovered.

"You, silly, remember our first encounter, the non stop teasing game were in, those serious talks and the nonsense one, and specially you telling me and showing the beauty

of this world....

don't ever forget those, you're the one who taught me that past can be wonderful, thank you for everything, for the love, your sacrifices,

I never regretted to be with you, it might be too late now but I'll hold on into your words, that everything happens for a reason...I love you Yohan, how could I ever forget ...you will always stay and rooted in my heart.

As she cries, kneeling down a white, cold cement, with words engrave "in loving memory of Yohan Reyes", she felt relieved somehow..."I promise to cherish all the memories we had together even the worst."

Maybe, that's part of God's plan not letting her to lost her memories, in that moment she knows that she won't be fighting alone, God will be her armor and she has great friends as well.

There would be times she will feel lonely, times she'll be longing for him and nights she'll cry herself to sleep.

But she'll always be fine and forever grateful for her life, that her timeline wasn't her to decide but to God.

"Wait for me, we'll see soon in heaven."

...and I wouldn't be alone, thank you for letting me have our son."

"Euna let's go!"