A complex mission

"Huh? Wha, What is going on here?!" I yelled, I was literally on the middle of a endless white space with nothing around me on any direction.

I still remember I was quite well talking to... huh? Who was I talking to anyway?

Actually, now that I think about it, I can't remember anything of importance whatsoever about myself. Seriously, I can't remember shit about myself.

But, my memories about games, movies, anime, manga, and light novels are intact... was I that much of an otaku? Fuck, I hope I at least had a girlfriend before whatever this is happening!

'Have you calmed down, little one?'

A deep voice that seemed strangely like a mix of hundreds of voices said behind me. I turned to look, but as I did so I realized that I didn't quite have a body so to speak. Seriously, I am begining to think I might be on the place where Truth resides in FMA Brotherhood, and I probably look like Father in his chibi form. In other words, like a ball of something with an eye and possibly a mouth attached.

But that is not THAT important right now as I look at whoever is it that is talking. It is a figure covered in a weird white mist making differentiate who it is nearly impossible. All I can say is that I am glad there is no giant door behind him or I might either fanboy over him or despair on the prospect of what would happen in the near future.

Seeing that I did not talk anything the thing nodded and started talking.

'I see that you relaxed enough. Good. Now, as to answer your previous question over what you are doing here, I brought you here after you died of a stroke when they announced that One Piece and Jojo would stop production due to some reason, you never really got to that part as you died when you heard that one.'

Okay, yeah I can see myself having a stroke if I didn't manage to get to the end of One Piece after accompanying it for so long. And Jojo was one of my favorite animes and manga of all time, complete stop is unforgivable!

'I brought you here due to some issues I am having. Someone is trying to kill me and take my place, but I can't quite accept that so easily. The problem is that, despite all my powers, I can't stop them proactively due to my own nature so I must try and find someone else to stop them for me. Normally I would have chosen the best of the best, but as what I am doing right now is already stretching quite a bit I couldn't go and chose too much or I would upset the balance of my world; so now I must ask you, will you fight a tyrant to save a God?"

I showed my best idea of a smile and said.


Seriously, why should I? I was always lazy by nature, I am pretty sure of that one, so why should I go and do something so bothersome? If this,I guess God, is facing trouble and wants me to fight a tyrant I can say for sure that I will likely die before I get to do anything of use.

'Well, what if I said that I can grant you a wish for when you go?'

"Still no." I said. Seriously, what is the problem with this 'God'? Can't it understand that I just don't want to do this?

'And what if I said I can grant you two wishes AND that if you don't accept I am letting your soul go right back to hell?'


... ...

...Well, when it puts it like that...

"Can you at least explain what you need me to do?" I said defeatedly. Hell, that equals pain and I am no good with that.

'Sure, I shall explain, even if you already know quite a bit about it anyway.'


'I guess I should simply tell you my name and where we are, that should be more than enough for you to understand what is my situation. I am the Collective Consciousness of the Universe, and we are on the world of C.'

And with that, my mind stopped.

No respectful Otaku would not recognize those words, they are iconic to one of the best animes of all times after all.

Code Geass.

I am in the fucking world of Code Geass, a place where intrigue runs rampant, giant mechas are the norm, and the emperor is...

...Oh, now I get it.

"You want me to kill THE Emperor Charles? How the hell am I even supposed to do that?" I screeched. No way I can do that so easily.

'I need to guaranty that I will live, it is the only way to ensure the world will not end with me. Also, the animation you saw in your universe was a message from me from one of the possible futures that might wait for this world. There are hundreds of others where I am saved and hundreds more where I am not. I can't risk it. So I decided to bring someone else to help, you. Now, if you understand what is it that awaits you, what are the gifts you will want?'

Well, ain't that a kicker?

I guess I have no choice then. I mean, if I don't accept I will likely go to hell, dying is scary, and if I can help my favorite characters than I don't really have a problem. Also, my dream of kicking Suzaku on his self-righteous balls is too good to throw away, I have him on my list of most hated characters of all times, right above Shou Tucker and that is saying a lot.

But now, what should I ask? This is not a world of magic, even if Geass exist, but a world of science. Thinking that I remember how there are so many shows out there focused on science and two determining factors were finding good pilots and making great mechas.

Oh yeah, I can already see what I will need.

"I want to be able to see the potential of others for piloting Knightmare Frames while also being able to induce loyalty on them to me and have the collective intelligence of all scientists from Academy City from Toaru Majustu no Index's universe, but without losing my morals or integrity for it!"

I am not good with science as of right now and I am not that much of a people's person so no big charisma there. What I do need, however, are people that would fight for me and be the one in the forefront of the technology to ensure I am number one no matter what.

'Done.' The CCU (Collective Consciousness of the Universe) said. I don't feel any different, but I guess I just need to wait to see the results. 'Now, I will send you to your new life. But be warned, this universe is not precisely the same as the one you knew before, there will be differences in your surroundings and on some of the people there.'

And like that, my new life begins.


3° Person P.O.V.

"Madam Marie, it is born. It is a healthy body." A nurse said to the woman on the table. The birth was not easy, there were a lot of complications and the woman almost died multiple times, but it was finally over. They were in Pendragon, the capital of the Holy Britania Empire, and the woman in the bed was Marie Zi Britania, the only full sister of Charles Zi Britania the current emperor of the Empire. She was a good 5 years younger than him and was known as the person he doted on the most in the entire world.

It was no surprise by many that the Emperor, despite normally not bothering to be present during the births of his own children, was pacing from one side to the other of the room in front of where she was giving birth today. It has only been a few days since his Fifth Wife, Marianne Vi Britania, had her first child, a boy with the same purple eyes as the Emperor himself. Charles was ecstatic then, but now he was much more nervous than the previous birth, or any other for that matter.

The husband of her Highness Marie Zi Britania had died not long ago during one of the combat operations against EU, the impact of it was such that her Highness almost died from shock. Thankfully she braved through and now she was having a new prince for the imperial family.

When the nurse that was inside the chambers came out and warned the emperor that everything went fine and that the boy was born Charles rushed into the room followed closily by a small boy that looked about 10 or 11 years old with long blond hair, both exuding such happiness in knowing Marie was fine that it would shock most that knew them.

"Marie, are you okay?" the boy, V.V., said as soon as he got inside the room. He eyed everyone inside, all of them working with the Directorate (the secret organization under his control) and all loyal to a fault, but if anything happened to his sister he would have their heads in a spike on the literal sense.

Charles, much less proper, had simply hugged her even as she was weakened, or tried to as he was stopped when he almost crushed the baby in his sister's eyes. Seeing his apologetic eyes Marie released a small laugh.

"Almost the same doofus, heh, big brother. You almost crushed this little one." She said with a rebute even as she laughed. Seeing her happy face it was enough to calm the nerves of both overprotective brothers.

She was the only other family member they truly thought as such. She was there to support them in any problem they might have had during the entire way and she had dealt with the court in many occasions to help Charles reach the throne faster, she had done everything to help them even as her health was almost too weak. Charles always felt bad for her, even with the entire wealth of the empire she was too weak to enjoy most of it and she was expected to die in just a few more years even with the help of all their scientists.

Anyway, letting these thoughts to the back of his mind Charles looked down to see his nephew, he had black hair, a god structured face that Charles believed was the cutest baby he had seen to date and he had many childreen already, and something else that surprised him.

Purple eyes, the same as his own eyes and considered by many a sign of a leader. He even saw a flash of intelligence, or so he said himself, on the boy's eyes. L.L. had the same impression, he couldn't wait until the point when he'd give this little one got old enough to get a geass of his own, he was sure it would be something amazing.

Honestly speaking these three siblings only thought of each other as true family, Marriane was a close friend and Charle's children were mostly inconsequential, but this little one was special for them all. It was due to him being the only child of Marie, Marie loved him immensely and both brothers that were overprotective of her were also loving this little one for association.

"What name you are thinking about giving him?" Charles asked in curiosity.

"I don't really know, how about the two of you decide on a name. I probably will not be around for that long and we will see each other again only after you use that sword, but I want my little prince to have a good name for when I am gone." She said sadly, she knew her health had been weak for too long and giving birth had not helped in the slightest, if anything she doubted she could get to his fifth birthday unless she received some of those more extreme surgeries V.V. suggested, but they didn't know if that would possibly make her any different when they completed their goal.

She would NOT look like a badly made cyborg for all of eternity, she considered it ugly and an affront to life itself as she did not like this sort of thing.

Charles and V.V. were sad hearing those words, but their resolve in completing their plan only strengthened as they wanted to be with their little sister longer. But, back to business, the two sibblings looked at each other and started to discuss on what name to give the small boy.

It started civil, the two being mindful over their sister that was still reccuperating, but with time, well...


"NO, AS THE EMPEROR OF THIS NATION I DEMAN THE NAME TO BE ARTHUR AS IN KING ARTHUR! HE WILL BE THE GREATEST KNIGHT OF OUT KINGDOM FOR SURE!" Charles shouted back, his eyes shining dangerously as he wanted to strangle his older brother that looked like a child.

The two hit head to head, furry in their eyes. Marie sighed, the two were likely to get into this sort of discussion whenever the subject was about anything related to her. They both cared too much about her.

This was not getting anywhere and Marie knew that both had to solve things already as there were other matters they should focus on, the world would not be taken so easily after all.

"Brothers, how about this then, each write down the names you think would be good and show them to the boy, the one he picks is the one he will have as a name. But be quick, he seems to want to go to sleep." Marie proposed, her purple eyes shining with that gentle light that made her brothers unnable to dany any wish from her.

And so, both went ahead and wrote down names on papers for the kid to choose. Secretly both tried to cheat by adding some sweet smells or write with a more colorful manner or paint.

Finishing with that the two showed the papers to Marie who saw through their deception and rolled her eyes. Seriously, the two were just too easy to understand for her.

But before she could say anything the boy looked at the names and chose one with a happy smile on his face that was almost sleeping already.

As the three looked over to see which name it was a light grunt of annoyance left V.V.'s mouth as Charles looked at him triumphantly.

"Why did you chose such a strange name? Seriously, I have never seen someone with such name before." V.V. commented.

"It is a rather peculiar name indeed brother, why did you choose it?"Marie asked as well.

"Simple, I wanted him to have the same initials that I do and I want it to be unique, I do like unique names after all." Charles said triumphantly.

"But still, Ciel? Seriously, Ciel Zi Britania is still too weird." V.V. commented while hiding a smirk as he thought 'and so is Shneizel, I guess brother just sucks at naming'. Unfortunately, he had many other matters to attend so he had to get moving. He had ignored work for the last 13 hours during the labor time, he should go back before things go south. Seeing that V.V. was standing up Charles did the same, pride emanating from him as he had won this little dispute with his brother.

Seeing the two leave Marie released a sigh of exasperation, she honestly could only see the two brothers like they were bickering children most of the time. They talked big and were quite ruthless and capable, true, but inside they were just too much like kids on her eyes.

Anyway, she looked down at the baby currently sleeping in her arms. A warm expression on her face as she looked at her little prince.

"Ciel, Ciel Zi Britania. I won't be there to protect you forever, but I am sure you will grow up to do great things, you will be the best there is. I just know it." And she finished that by giving him a little kiss in the forehead.


5 years later

Two boys were sitting on a library, the two were quite close together even as they were starkly different from each other and had the same color of eyes.

One of them was widely known as the commoner prince due to the fact his mother was originally a commoner, but it didn't trouble him that much as his mother was still highly respected by the military due to having been the knight of two and unbeatable on the past. He, however, did not get much of a knack for physical training as he would avoid it as much as humanly possible. Regardless, he was loved by many and was having a great time with his best friend right now.

The other one was different however, he was reading a book about advanced chemistry on one side and one of advanced mechanics on the other. His mother was known as the one the Emperor pampered the most and he himself was highly appreciated and pampered by the Emperor as well, something that made some of the imperial family to hate him. It didn't help that he also avoided most of the nobility events he could like they were a plague since he gone to his first one, his words were 'what a waste of time, I would rather just be left alone already'.

The friendship between the two was a well-known fact, Lelouch Vi Britania and Ciel Zi Britania were together most time and both were already geniuses on their own right. Ciel had an unprecedented intelligence for most scientific matters and already was approached by Shneizel in a sign of 'friendship', but his capacity in politics was more than lacking as he outright shot Shneizel down without a second thought. Meanwhile, Lelouch was already showing signs of being a strategist as he had won virtually any match he ever faced against most of his siblings, the only exceptions being Shneizel and Ciel, even if against Ciel he won more than he ever lost.

Lelouch was reading a book about strategy and comparing notes with Ciel, they had fun doing that as both challenged one another. They were young and had grown together so they trusted one another immensely.

"Ciel, do you really plan on skipping the ball tonight? I am sure your mother will be disappointed if you do." Lelouch said.

"Yeah, but I am just so close to finish this new theory. I can't quite go and waste time talking with ass kissers that only want to look good and try and use me to suck it up to the emperor." Ciel said while shaking his head. He had finally learned enough to start writing his first theory, it was about how to use sakuradite on a semi perpetual way by creating a loop energy cycle. With luck he would finish the development of it tonight and present it to the emperor soon enough. His objective is to create knightmares able to function on a much higher level than they do right now.

However, Lelouch next few words completely dashed his hopes away.

"Well, I guess it is fine. Cornelia did say she would put you through hell if you didn't go but if you really don't want to I guess she will understand."

Just like that Ciel groaned in annoyance and defeat. Cornelia Li Britania was the second bane of Ciel's existence, just losing for physical exercise. She was someone who had taken an interest in him on her thoughts of trying to teach him the 'proper' way that a noble should act and to make him her future second in command.

Fat chance, he hated physical training and all it entailed, he wanted nothing less than to do that. But, she was insistent and Ciel knew he couldn't win against her at all.

"... Fine, I will go to that hell with you Lulu." Ciel said, taking no small joy on seeing how Lelouch scolded when he said that nickname. "But I will have to tell Loyd that I couldn't go because you blackmailed me not to."

This time it was Lelouch who groaned in annoyance. Lloyd Asplund had been appointed as the prince's tutor by the insistence of the prince himself, at the start the count of pudding, as Lloyd was more widely known, was against it vehemently but after being with Ciel for about a week he became Ciel's most obsessed follower. It was a reason to concern by some as Lloyd was an up and coming young noble that was already one of the best scientists under Britania, for him to choose someone so strongly was not a welcome sight for those like Schneizel who wanted to recruit the mad genius.

Anyway, the two entered an agreement on what they would be both suffering as Ciel hated these parties and Lelouch equally hated being lectured by Lloyd over how he shouldn't waste Ciel's time with unimportant things.

Before they could change to another subject a voice came from the outside.

"And what are you two doing here? We, as princes, or quasi on your cases, should be out and showing the world all of our glory. Not dusting off here in this desolate spot."

"Maybe you would be smarter if you were to spend more time in this 'desolate spot', Clovis." Came Ciel's retort to the third prince, Lelouch holding back his laughter at Clovis' red face.

Clovis La Britania, he was a pompous prince who liked looking good more than anything else really. The problem was that his personal perfect image was shattered by both Lelouch during a game of chess and Ciel that he challenged to see who would get a better score on a test in which Ciel ended up doing it perfectly despite its 'high' level.

But one thing must be said of him, he was someone who would not give up. He would keep challenging the two and trying to talk up to them, even if the results were not always the best. He was an okay guy in the two younger prince's books, even if Clovis did look down on them slightly due to one being half commoner and one not having any inheriting rights to the throne. But, if compared to the other princes that were actively hostile and others who talked badly of them in the back while trying to act nice Clovis was like a burst of fresh air.

"Anyway, I was wondering if the two of you would like to go out and enjoy some fresh air, maybe just a picnic outside to admire the ladies would do you both some good. You both are far too pale." Clovis said, and just as both Lelouch and Ciel were about to shot down the idea Clovis said the magic words. "I have some delicious sweets to accompany the picnic."

"What sort of sweets?" Ciel said, droll almost being visible on the corner of his mouth. Lelouch rolled his eyes on that one, while this cousin and friend of his were smarter than most could ever be it was just a fact he was a sucker to some things, candy being on the top of the list.

"All sorts, my personal chef have crafter many of them including some delicious cake and-"

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Ciel said, already abandoning the two books he had almost finished reading and moving out, his hand grabbing Lelouch's arm and pulling him along to the outside.

Clovis could only show a fond smile at this, Ciel and Lelouch were not the most proper royals but it was undeniable that the two were amongst the few Clovis truly liked being with. As he thought of all the nobles that speak badly of these two little ones, even if not entirely wrong, he did not appreciate it in the slightest.

As he was reminiscing he heard a shout from the outside.

"Cak- I mean, Clovis! Come on, the cake and sweets will not be eaten alone!"

Clovis could only shake his head, at least he had asked for people to call for Nunaly, she was three years old now so she could finally go outside and he knew that the only thing that could keep Lelouchdong something he didn't want to was that little sister of his.

Not wanting to let the two wait much longer he left the library, it was another good day in the Pendragon castle.