Realizing my mistake, a promise to myself

Half an hour later and I was taking Cornelia and her entourage deeper within my city. Of course I didn't took her to the weapon testing facilities or the more secret labs but it was still much deeper than I would normally let outsiders enter. It was the weaponry deposit of the successful and tested technology that were ready for use.

As we moved I noticed Cornelia gaping at some of the things I had and I could not help but feel some pride towards it all.

"C-Ciel, what is this Knightmare?" She asked about a blue knightmare. It looked very sleek and the sword on its side was not that large but the sheer number of minor lasers attached to it was outstanding, it had a capacity to release a protective shield around itself with energy reactors, the speed and maneuverability of it was absurdly high and its weight was not so big that any structure would fall under its weight, and the 'simple' sword actually had the capacity to use its own protective field to work as bludgeoning damage as well as having the plasma cutter to enhance it.

"This, dear Cornelia, is the Blue Damocles. It is the future Knightmare of Reisi and the first proto-type of the seventh generation of Knightmares." I said. Wait, I wasn't supposed to reveal that I did a seventh generation yet! SHIT! Change topics, change topics! "A-Anyway, that is not the object of our concern. The main issue is right around the corner." I said, making Cornelia nod but her gaze was still on the machine. I bet she will ask me to give one to her for birthday but I will definetly not give her a positive answer.

After walking a bit further ahead we were face to face with a black Plane. Its name is HsB it has the shape of a flying wing. with a curved nose and a curved bar connected to the front, It had a pair of engines under either side of the main wing. There are a pair of additional wings, one under the other with a small gap between them, extending from the tips either side of the primary wing. But the main attributes of this beauty are two specific enhancements, one being its stealth that can hide from any electronic detectors and the second being its speed.

"Cornelia, I present you with my first HsB. It is a plane that can fit all of us, as well as the medical equipment to ensure the health of any of our family members that might be in need. With this beauty, we can reach the capital within the next 10 or so minutes." As I said that I shuddered at the gleam in the eyes of Cornelia, she likely is thinking on how to convince me to make this sort of aircraft to the military, which I wouldn't no matter what.

I didn't tell her but another main attribute of this is that it can-

"What are you waiting there for, PrinceYa? We already are ready to launch for a while now." Said a voice from the inside of the ship, looking there I saw a young man of 16 to 18 years old. He had dark hair, a slightly sickly complexion, a yellow hoodie, with black sleeves and a fancy looking hat.

That is the doctor I secured while searching for someone who could work well for me, I honestly could barely resist my internal fanboy when I first saw Trafalgar FUCKING Law on the first time and even now it is still amazing.

But enough about that, I pushed Cornelia inside the airship and left with her and her knights while having Reisi as my bodyguard. The older man didn't mind coming with me to the capital, but having only one escort was not quite what I would have preferred.

I guess I must really step up my game in finding my future knights, I really will need more of them soon.


Arriving in the capital really took just over ten minutes, the plane landed quickly on the Royal Airfield and soon after a five minute drive I was directing my staff to take everything they need to the hospital. The vision of my city forces (members of Scepter4 that came with Reisi) taking a lot of equipment to the hospital was enough to raise some minor alarm amongst the streets of the capital, but I couldn't care less if I tried.

Entering the hospital I asked the location for the royal family members here, Marrybell was on the burn-wound section since she was caught very badly in the explosion that took her family away, Lelouch was in shock and non-responsive and Nunnally was on the operation room as there was some shrapnel that hit her during the attack and even if there was no danger to her life she might still become cripple. Hearing this we did not hesitate to go directly to Nunnally, anyone who tried to bar my path was shoved aside by either members of Scepter4 or Cornelia's entourage and before long we were in front of the operation room where Nunnally was being operated.

"Remember that if you fail here there might not be a place to you anywhere else." I said while talking to Law, he might be a cool guy and losing him would be a big problem but I still wouldn't hesitate to do this. To me, family is the most important. He nodded seriously and entered the operation room while taking with him some of the equipment we had, it was not everything as the deeper treatment would have to wait until we take her to Academic City but it would still be a considerable improvement in comparison. Honestly speaking this whole hospital was subpar at best to me from the little I saw.

I could see that Lelouch was nowhere to be found as he is likely in some other room but I don't have time to deal with him right now, the situation with Marrybell is more important. I moved towards the place where she was and saw a crying Euphy in front of the room where Marrybell was located, I gave one look at Cornelia and she likely didn't even need it as she already moved to her sister to calm the young girl down.

Taking a deep breath I opened the door to Marrybel's room and saw something that really infuriated me. The skin on her right arm that was as smooth as a baby's was almost completely covered in a large burn-wound. A bit of her right torso and leg was also injured and had open wounds from the places where her clothes had molten onto her flesh. The clothes had already been surgically removed but it still was a horrid site. Her face was somewhat alright aside from light red skin where the heat affected her and the shorter hair who had been burned away. The sad thing was, that Marrybell despite her wounds had been lucky. Her Mother and Sister who had been directly next to the explosion had only been able to be identified at their Dental-records.

Honestly, no wonder the canon version of Marrybell had been almost fanatical in her hunt for Terrorists. That version probably had only looked like she did due to expensive skin graft and cosmetic work done which had replaced her burnt skin. Even then he was sure she had been for a long time in horrid agony both emotionally and physically.

I can only hope this works.

Opening a small container in my hands I took out some cream and started applying it delicately on her burnt skin. After I had finished the container I had passed the contents all over her wounds, a new layer of skin would surge and with luck, she would go back to normal soon, but to ensure that no scars are left I still need her to go to Academic City.

I told Cornelia I was leaving to talk to the Emperor now.

"No, if you go he will definetly go after you." Cornelia asked. "He probably wants to find something to put his anger out on and if you go there things will not go well."

"Sound advice, but I must take care of this regardless. I refuse to let Nunnally and Marrybell in these conditions, my city and me can treat them back to health and better ensure their safety than anyone else in the capital, obviously." I said.

She tried to say more but I wouldn't listen. I will ensure their safety and bring them as much happiness as I possibly can.


I called for a personal meeting with Charles about the situation at hand. He was not happy about it but accepted my request with a stern warning that if it was not relevant he would take away my city from me.

"So? What do you wish to say?" He asked as we both were in his study. I was not brazen or stupid enough to ask for a court meeting, those were more of a stage to a play than anything else, as due to how the nobility was all around like hawks of prey. That was a stage that Lelouch adored as he was always much more of a show off and reveled in it, even if he won't admit it now or ever.

"Simple, I want an exchange. I want Marrybell and Nunnally to be sent to my city and for them to stay there in exchange for the information on who was responsible for the whole disaster that was last night." I said. The temperature of the room felt colder as Charles showed a glare that would make any lesser men paralyzed.

"Who?" Was all he said.

"It was uncle V.V., and before you say that it is impossible here is evidence of what happened and I can also tell that it is likely that Marianne is still alive but residing in the body of a girl named Anya Alstreim as she was present during the whole event and was on the line of sight of Marianne in the last second, with aunt's Geass it would not be hard for her to transfer her mind to the girl." I explained while giving him a flashdrive.

When he heard my words the emperor said nothing while he took the flashdrive and started watching it attentively. After a while, the sound of a gasp was heard from Charles as probably V.V. entered the place and started shooting at Marianne while laughing maniacally. But when he was about to explode he saw how Marianne looked straight at the young girl for a while as she died, her eyes going glazed even before she died. He then passed to the next video of V.V. entering the Steel Villa with a package and not long after the package exploded killing one of his wives and one of his daughters while scarring the other. (Not that he cared of course. Both he and I knew that the only people which Charles cared about were his siblings, Marianne, me and to some extent Bismarck who was probably the closest thing to a friend as was possible for Charles zi Britannia. His other wives and Children were useful but if given enough of a reason he would have ordered the death of any of them without a single bit of regret.)

We stayed in silence for a while before he opened his eyes again. His eyes as he looked at me were cold and tired.

"How did you obtain this video? As far as I know there was no cameras of the attack at the Aries Villa at all." He said.

"Humph, of course, I know that there shouldn't be cameras inside but Lelouch and Nunnally are my precious family members so I wanted to ensure their safety just in case and as both spent most of the time inside due to their status and Marianne trying to pull me and them apart I could only try my best to ensure my family is taken care of. On the Mel Britannia side was mostly because I wanted to ensure that Marrybell was safe and none of the other princes would pick on her while I was away or I would have to take proper action. I had prepared multiple cameras throughout the Aries Villa and Steel Villa long ago, I was going to present them some items to protect them on their birthday but it seems that I was too late." I said, when I thought of that last part I could only clench my hand. While I accepted the risk to Lelouch and Nunnally I was indeed making some items to guard them in case of emergency and to make extra sure they would be fine. Especially Marrybell as what happened to her was something completely unnecessary for the future, but due to my taking this whole situation lightly she now was full of burn marks over half of her body.



From now on I will NOT let this sort of thing to happen under my watch, not at FUCKING all.

"You really care so much for those girls?" He asked.

"I care for them no less than you cared for mother, and considering how uncle V.V. is acting right now I don't trust either of them to stay in the capital and be safe." I said, my words clearly conveying the fact that I would take the two away by force if needed. They must get proper treatment, both of them can only be fully save back in Academic City and every second counted to ensure their full recovery to how they should be from the start.

"... Fine, you can get them. I don't care anymore, just take them already and don't bother me for now. I have to think." Charles said, his voice aged to the point he looked even older than he actually was.

I wanted to talk more on some matters but I could only nod my head and leave, but just as I opened the door to leave I turned to my uncle.

"Uncle, you know that I like both you and uncle V.V. a lot, so this is a warning. Don't let uncle have any more thoughts on those girls, I will not actively do anything against him but they will be under heavy automatic security and if he tries anything it is more likely that he would NEED to be an immortal to leave the city whole. I know that if the body of a Code-bearer gets destroyed completely they reform after a few years thanks to the Thought Elevators but please, don't make me see uncle go through this." I said, Charles' face hardened even further but nodded regardless. I could only smile as I closed the door behind me, at least I now can move forward, now all I need is to take the two to intensive health care. I will leave Lelouch in the hospital for now with some of the Scepter4 members to ensure his safety and to try and make him NOT do anything stupid, but with him I am just trying the impossible.

Living in this world I can see clearly the main components of his personality: prideful, genius intellect, rash sometimes, prideful, and loving to those he cares about the most, but especially prideful. Even if I were to put him on Academic City he would only escape to try and demand justice regardless of everyone else and possible consequences, with him there isn't much I doubt he would be willing to do to get his way. There would be better ways of acting than demand things of the emperor in a public meeting, but Lelouch's pride and his showman-tendencies would demand that.

Sometimes I wonder if he is well in the head, but then I remember the whole Zero thing and especially the Zero Requiem and how arrogant it was to believe in one single plan and that his life alone would be enough to create peace for the whole world forever. Yep, he is not alright in the head.



Ciel walked into the Meeting-room briskly. He had just come from a meeting with his Head-doctor Trafalgar Law. The man had thanks to Ciel replaced the Doctors which looked Nunnally over.

That had thankfully kept the Emperor from ordering that Nunnally be made into a cripple through surgery, the Shrapnel having been not really dangerous to a man of Trafalgars skill. Still, Charles had used his Geass to make her go blind to make her less of a threat in V.V.s eyes. Ciel didn´t like it but just being blind was not something too horrid. Nunnally in canon had easily coped and he was sure she would do the same in this world.

Thinking about his other Uncle, Ciel had to suppress a grimace. He knew that his mother's death had been a harsh blow. But Vincent vi Britannia was growing increasingly unstable in a way that seemed unnatural. Ciel had watched the death of Marianne like his Uncle Charles and the derange laughing of his Uncle while he gunned down a defenseless woman had been disturbing to witness.

Collecting himself Ciel sat down on his seat at the Head of the Table and looked at the base of his political power: The Aristocracy of Evil.

The First was Silva Zoldyck, a silver haired man who was the current head of the Zoldyck family, a family of the most deadly assassins in the entire world. Though they had lost much influence since the ascension of V.V. as Director of the Geass-Directorate. His Uncle had spent much time creating countless Assassin Groups which were literally brainwashed and raised into being loyal to the Emperor which took away at many of their possible targets and lessening their job offers considerably. An independent Group like the Zoldycks were, no matter their professionality, far too unreliable to use due to how they operated as assassins for hire and many were against using their absurdly expensive services when there were others that were cheaper and still reliable. Ciel though had use for them regardless so he invited them to his Academic City where their already monstrously trained bodies were being modified by the power of science to be able to contend against anything as well as giving them tech to help them in their jobs when needed and, as payment for that. they'd take any job Ciel needed them to for a much lower cost while not accepting any against someone on Ciel's side or on the list he gave them.

The second was Duke Maximillion Pegasus. A high-ranking Noble who shared with Ciel ownership of the Toy-company "Industrial and Illusions". Aside from things like Board-games the firm was also the greatest maker of Video-games and Consoles. Ciel and Pegasus often discussed Ideas about Games with each other and got along famously.

The Third person in the room was his tutor Adelle Schnee. After an almost disastrous first meeting between Jaques and Ciel, the three had agreed that any future dealings would be done through Adelle which had paid off quite good. Nowadays Ciels City got the biggest access to Sakuradite right after the Emperor, surpassing even Schneizel. A true boon for his cause.

The Fourth person was General James Ironwood. The Man had been heavily injured in the Conquest of Indochina and thanks to Ciels Cyborg-Technology could stay in the Military. Since then the man felt indebted to him and had agreed to join Ciel's political base, which was a great boon since the older man had a talent for leadership that would not fall short to the likes of Cornelia in the slightest. Currently, he was training a Group of slightly less experienced Knights into a Group similar to the Glaston Knights of his sister Cornelia, they'd be instrumental on his future.

The Fifth was the politician monster Pariston Hill a up and coming new face on the Britanian politic world and already expanding his influence to a terrifying degree, he is a man who Ciel feared almost as much as he did Schneizel. The reason for Ciels fear was that he knew his Geass was at best unreliable on Pariston. The man was ultimately loyal to Ciel sure, but his tendency to "play" and desire to be amused allowed the man to work against Ciel on many things without seeing it as betrayal, even if it would disturb or go against Ciel's well being or interests. With Ciel's Geass being dependend on the other person to know that he was betraying Ciel that meant it was mostly useless as observation-tool in regards to Pariston. Still, Ciel was content with that because he knew that just like his canon-version was loyal to Netero this worlds version was loyal to Ciel and knew which things he could get away with that would merely annoy Ciel instead of causing him to add a kill-order on Paristons head. He still would keep an eye on him just to make sure of course as no one could ever trust him all that much.

Finally, the last person in the room was Ciel's Spymaster Qrow Branwen. The man´s History was both impressive and sad, Ciel had researched Team STRQ quite heavily and their fate had been a sad one indeed.

Team STRQ had been a group of four Knights of Round who had become famous for their almost completely bloodless Conquest of Area 7 (Hawaii), well atleast bloodless on side of Britannia. Unfortunately things went wrong shortly afterwards, the Chinese Federation had anticipated the attack on Area 8 (Falkland Islands) and had sent large amounts of Weaponry and Men as support there.

The strong resistance had caught the four off-guard which resulted in the death of Summer Rose. That led to Taiyang Xiao Long (A chinese/Britannian mix) to fall into depression and resign from the Rounds. Shortly after Raven Branwen disappeared and Qrow started drinking.

Finally five years ago Qrow had been dishonorally discharged from the Rounds due to unprofessional behaviour. The man had then returned to the small amount of Land which his families Baron-title had gotten and had taken care off his depressed Brother in law along with his Nieces Ruby and Yang. That continued until Ciel had recruited the man into his ranks two years ago and offered his Nieces free education in his City. Since then Qrow served as his Spymaster and had gotten such good results that Ciel now even got information about the Geass Directorate from him.

Looking at Qrow in particular he sighed.

"Alright hit me with it."

Qrow looked with a certain amount of annoyance as he took a swig from his flask.

"Basically its a Shitstorm. The death of Marianne has countless Nobles moving against her supporters at once, except for the Ashfords which are partially under your protection her supporters are falling into disgrace faster than you can eat your sweets.

Margrave Jeremiah which you asked me to keep an eye on is currently guarding Prince Lelouch with a few others from Mariannes old guard. The members of Scepter4 were dismissed by Prince Lelouch and have returned to their base in the city.

On the side of the Geass-directorate things have been going bad too. The Code-Bearer C.C. defected shortly after Mariannes death, the Emperor and V.V. have sent Director Salem and two Knights of Round specifically Hazel Rainart and Natala after her.

I don't know the specifics but there was a small battle at a harbor in one of the Cities of California. It is unknown what happened to the other three but Analysis of one of the corpses in the Harbour has confirmed the death of the Knight of Six Natala."

Ciel winced a bit. The boy had just been 17 years old and was already dead. The disappearance of C.C. in California made sense given that she would be moving to China where she would meet Mao. The fate of Salem and Hazel was curious, he was wondering if Salem perhaps had decided to rid herself of the Geass-order in favour of making her own group. He silently resolved to keep track of Arthur Watts in case the man defected eventually to join her.

"Very well, make it clear that the Ashfords are under my protection so nobody gets stupid ideas. Also, extend Jeremiah an offer to join my City if he wants..."

Ciels eyes twitched in annoyance as someone interrupted his speech by knocking on the door. A butler came in hurriedly and ran towards him.

"Your Highness. Emperor Charles has demanded your immediate presence in the Palace. He made it clear that non-attendance will result in trouble."

Ciel growled before standing up. Looking at Marrybell he nodded for her to join him.

"Very well. Meeting adjourned for now. We will be talking about your report later General."

General Ironwood merely looked serious before nodding in agreement. Ciel nodded to the others and left the room with his Cousin.


"Announcing Prince Lelouch vi Britannia. 17th Heir to the Royal Britannian Imperial Throne."

Ciel almost groaned out loud as he watched his Cousin Lelouch march towards the Emperors Throne with a horrid scowl on his face. His expression growing angrier and angrier the more he heard the wispers of the other Nobles who spoke purposfully loud enough for Lelouch to understand them.

He really wished he had been able to succeed in contacting Lelouch to stop him from doing this stupid shit but the boy had rebuffed any messager which he had sent to him and only said he knew what he was doing and that Nunnally should be with him as only he could protect her. Something which Ciel would not do given that it would mean the girl would leave the protection of his city and especially the treatment that was trying to save not only her life but her vision and legs. If she were to leave now she would never walk again, but Lelouch just refused to listen to anything anyone would tell him, completely believing that Ciel might have been one of the responsible for his mother's death. After all, Marianne was quite explicitly against the boy when the Emperor was not around, to Lelouch his mother must have had a good reason to dislike Ciel so much. That, at least, was what his young and impressionable mind told him.

Surpressing a sigh Ciel decided to look around at the other people in attendance.

Cornelia was present with Nonette. No Euphy though. Both woman had serious expressions mixed with pity on their faces no doubt due to them already knowing how this would go.

Schneizel was also there. He was standing beside Odysseus his older brother who long since had been subverted into obeying Schneizel and his older sister Guinevere who while being the embodiment of Britannian Arrogance was smart enough to work for Schneizel instead of against him. Ironically, despite being far more unlikely to get the Throne she had the largest Network of supporters with her having Blackmail and Favours owed to her from almost 60% of the Nobility. The woman was a true Politican in social matters which Schneizel actually lacked in given that he was more into diplomacy and Business. Probably why the man made her his ally in the first place.

Next was Carine ne Britannia. Ciels younger cousin was also called the Bratty Princess and was a firm believer of Britannian superiorty and the Nobility system. Despite that, she was not a completely rotten person as Ciel and her got along rather well. He was not as close to her as he was to Nunnally, Euphie or Marry but he still would make sure that she would not die in the destruction of Pendragon this time around.

The next notable members of the Royal House were the Twins Castor and Pollux. Ciel knew that both were already working as Scientists for the Geass-Directorate and had even gotten their own Geass already. Both showed some amusement as they watched Lelouch approach the Emperor.

The last members of the Royal Siblings in attendance were Clovis who looked sadly to the ground and his sister the young Laila la Britannia who Ciel honestly had never even spoken to.

Aside from the royal Family, there was only one more person which Ciel took note off, Oiaguro Zevon. Or as he later would become known as: Wizard. Ciel had been angry as hell to find out that in the chaos of the deaths of several Royal family members the man had made his move and Assassinated his sister Olivia Zevon.

Worse, the man had already taken Orpheus and had handed him over to V.V. for indoctrination. The chance of Ciel getting his hands on him were now very low. He'd at least managed to ensure the safety of Oldrin as she was visiting Marrybell when that happened, she was quite shaken but Ciel managed to calm her down and led her to a place where she would be safe as well as sending people to watch over the young girl. Ciel really was considering creating a whole section of his city just for the treatment of mental trauma. Ignoring those was not healthy by any means.

Glaring at the man for a moment he put his attention to Lelouch who had began speaking to the Emperor now.

" should have protected her. I also demand to know where Nunnally is!"

Ciel fought to keep his face impassive despite his desire to wince. Accusing the Emperor of being incompetent in front of countless Nobles and then demanding something from the man.

"I have little use for a blind weakling like her."

"How dare you say that?" Lelouch asked in rage, but that was just about the worse he could have done right now.

From there it was something that I bet would become the fuel for Lelouch's nightmares from this day forward.

"How I dare? No, how something like YOU dare to say anything against someone like me. You are dead! You have always been dead to me, dead from the moment you were born. Who gave you the fine Clothes you wear, the comfortable Home, the food you ate and your very life. All of those I have given to you, in short, you are nothing to me because you never existed.


Ciel watched with some sadness as Lelouch fell back in fear as the Emperor stood threatening over him.

"Lelouch, you are dead. Therefore you are not entitled to any rights. I´m sending you to Japan where you as Prince will serve well as a Bargaining-tool!

"On the matter of Nunnally and her sister Marrybell. I have thankfully found some purpose for them due to Ciel expressing his interest in them. I was looking for potential wives for him anyway and those two will serve nicely in that regard, he is someone who deserves a prize after all. He did things to help the Empire flourish, so you better not try anything against him while you remain a deadman."

As the Emperor spoke that almost every person in the room had their mouth fall down to the ground. Ciel himself went bug-eyed in horror, when he told Charles that he would take care of them he had NOT meant something like that, he wanted to ensure their health and that they would receive the very best treatment possible so as to make them go back to how they were before. Looking at Lelouch Ciels blood went cold. The look in Lelouch's face when he looked at Ciel was so full of desire to see Ciel dead as he never had experienced, long gone was the friendship and brotherhood that the boy felt for him and instead Ciel could sense that he was now one of Lelouch's ire.

Ciel knew, if they had been alone Lelouch would have attacked and killed him here and now, he'd do that with a smile on his face even and not bothered with explanations. Thankfully for Ciel two Guards grabbed Lelouch and led him out of the room even as the boy tried to do his best to memorize the faces of every single person there to kill them later. Lelouch had become a mad dog, he was likely to kill everyone he saw just for the heck of it and that thought terrified Ciel to no end as he never doubted his brother (cousin actually, but Ciel thought of him as brother regardless) is capable of such a feat.

Ciel winced slightly. Nunnally would not be happy about this once she woke up, and neither him was as he could understand that the Emperor was likely saying that on the spur of the moment (he was prone to quick judgment for no good reason sometimes) but it still troubled Ciel greatly.

He could only hope to manage to find some time to speak to Lelouch properly, Ciel was sure the boy he knew would understand if he were to explain it to him properly.

Ciel was about to go and try to speak with Lelouch when his cellphone rang. He only opened it and the message made him wince as he decided he had something more important to deal with than calming down a fuming Lelouch who would refuse to listen anyway.

Ciel's P.O.V.

Back in the city after the fiasco, I didn't even have the time to eat some sweets as I speed towards the hospital. Law had called me to warn that Marrybell had just woken up and when she saw her own state and her memories of what happened hit her she started crying madly and had to be constrained otherwise she might have wounded herself more.

When I entered her room I saw that she was fully held down on the bed, her body moving madly as she tried all she could to get out. She was completely in panic and despair.

I, I caused this. My precious cousin, my family, is now in such a sorry state because I wasn't fucking careful enough.


With slow steps, I approached her bed, when Marrybell saw me her movements slowed down a bit but it was clear she was not back to normal at all. Sighing I released her from her constraints but just as she was about to jump and run to who knows where I hugged her. She continued flailing about, her sharp nails creating some wounds on my back but I simply continued hugging her until her crazy movements receded and instead sobbing could be heard as my shoulders were slowly but surely covered in her tears.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry." I told her, she didn't answer at all as I just continued like this and continued talking. "What happened, it should never have happened. I am sorry, I, I should have been able to stop it somehow, but I failed. But have no fear because I'm here now. I will make sure that you never again will go through such a situation, I will keep you safe and about your wounds, I will treat them. You will be able to show to all ladies in court your face and have them be filled in jealous of how pretty you will be. I give you my word, you are not alone as long as I am here you will always have a home." I said. Her sobbing continued for a while more but I could sense that her arms were now circulating my body as she fully released all her frustrations on me.

Let it out, you must let the emotions out. I will stay right here to be the shoulder she cries on for as long as she wants, after failing her so much there isn't anything that I could do for her that would be too much. I will ensure that both her and Nunnally were treated well and to give them a protection that would make the one on Charles seem like not having one by comparison.

I will keep those I care about safe, no matter what.