Oh my god this meat is so good! It melts in my mouth like butter it's so delicious! I want the recipe to this dish.
I looked up at Haku to ask if he knew the recipe but he was busy having a glaring contest with Teo across the table.
Did I miss something? I glance between the two when Haku caught me staring at him. He smiled sweetly at me like he never sent daggers flying at Teo across the table just a second ago.
Okay, not weird at all. I'll just mind my own business and continue to eat my food in peace.
"So Anya are you married or have any children?" Dino ask gulping down the wine in his glass.
Okay scratch the eating in peace part. "No I'm not married and no I don't have any kids." I said trying not to sound annoyed when the woman beside Dino snored in disapproval.
Okay I'll pretend I didn't hear that. I thought to myself irritated. I don't know what her problem is with me but I think it would be best for me to ignore her. I told myself not feeling hungry anymore.
"Your father is okay with you still being unwed?" Dino asked in a way that made me want to punch him in his throat.
"Well I believe my father would be rolling in his grave if he found out I wanted to get married so young which by the way I don't." I said sarcastically poking my food with my fork. Everyone stared at me with a funny expression on their face.
"I was joking." I said rolling my eyes. Apparently they never heard of sarcasm.
I feel so angry for some odd reason, I need to calm down and excuse myself before I end up doing something I regret.
"You know what I got to go. I have friends waiting for me so thank you for the food it was delicious." I said about to stand up and find my way back to Blaze and Jet.
"Why don't you consider marrying me and becoming my forth wife. I could give you everything, money, jewelry, what ever you want." Dino said smiling at me like he just gave me the best offer of my life.
I cleared my throat straightening out my dress. "What's my favorite color?" I asked him seriously. "What?" Dino asked looking confused.
"What do I like to do for fun?" I asked him another serious question. "I. ." Dino said before I cut him off.
"What do I enjoy eating? What's my lucky number? What would my father say to you right now about your marriage proposal? Because I know what he would say. He would say you can shove your proposal right where the sun doesn't shine because your not marrying my daughter and that's just me being nice about what he would say." I said angry as his face kept getting redder and redder with every question I asked.
After I finished my little speech he looked like he was going to kill over and have a stroke.
"You don't know a damn thing about me. Marriage is a joke to you and I feel sorry for your three wives who have to deal with your pathetic ass." I said not hiding my disgust in my voice.
The woman beside him dropped her fork covering her mouth with her hands completely shocked. Teo and Haku looked just as dumbfounded.
"Now if you'll excuse me I have better things to do then to waste my time with a man who thinks he can buy my love." I said and I noticed that one of the red doors was propped open for the servants to come in and out.
I got up and bowing my head, "I hope I never see anyone from this room ever again. Except for you Haku, your not so bad. Have a lovely evening everyone." I said not caring if I sound like a bitch or not and I left the room leaving everyone speechless.