Who Is He?

After finishing theirs. Conversation, they both came outside of Josh's bedroom and join everyone for lunch.

"Sorry, we are late." Athira politely speak.

"It's okay Dear, now have your lunch or else it will be again turned cold," Amila replied to them.

After finishing their lunch Josh go back to the office while Athira takes her laptop and go back in the backyard. And started to typing something on it.. She put her ear plug-in her ear and close her eyes.

"Finally, after a long time, it feels like my life is incomplete without it.. Where are you? I just wanted to see you once in this lifetime." While listening to music she is blabbering these words.

Hazel and Smith watching her from far away, " What do you think Hubby? Did she has ever got to know about that person? I mean 12 years have already passed and she is still searching for that one voice. Which gives her a hope to survive."

Smith is not surprised Hazel's questions but he has a beautiful smile on his face., " You Know Hazel, i am very thankful to that person without him my Arthu will never be able to stand up again. Even i am trying hard to search about him. But it feels like he was an angel who came once to brighten up her life and then goes far away from this earth."

"Do not worry, Athira will surely find him one day, after all, she is working hard for it." Hazel console her husband.

After that, they both leave her alone in the backyard to enjoying her alone time..and go back to their respective work...

And the day is passed like this.

At the Dinner Table.

Everyone is having their dinner and talking about random things, while Athira breaks the silence. " First Aunt and second Aunt, I have a surprise for both of you."

Perry and Amila excited to know what her princess has for them.

Perry replied, " And what is it?"

She asked curiously.

"From tomorrow, Jacob will be here.." Arthu speak..

"What! Seriously" they both extremely surprised.. And asked her, "for how my days?"

Now, he will stay here in Los Angeles and handling my Hospital in behalf of me.