Where Is Athira?

Smith makes call to Harry and Josh and asked them to come to his office.

After half an hour.

"Brother, why did you asked us to come here in urgent?" Harry open the door and ask Smith. While he ignores the presence of Jacob.

"Hey Buddy, You are not going to greet me," Jacob asked him nonchalantly.

"I am not interested in greeting the liar." Jacob sneered and speak.

"You both stop your nonsense." And Harry callsosh and asked him when he will be here."

"Okay, brother." Harry dilated Josh's phone number.

"Yes! Harry. I'll be there very soon and where is Arthu? I am trying to call her but she is not receiving. Do you have any idea?" Josh received the phone and understand that why he called him.

"Brother, I don't know where is she, but I am trying to find about her whereabouts. You just come here, we are waiting for you." Harry replied to him.

"Okay. I'll be there." Josh answered and cut the phone.

Harry go towards couch and sit there, Brother do you know where is Arthu? Brother Josh is trying to contact her and she is not receiving the phone.

Smith replied, " I don't know."

Harry, " Okay. And Jacob she was with you in the morning, where is she now.?"

Jacob is fighter that what to answer, he turn her gaze towards smith, while smith understand.

"I know where is she, and wait for Josh. I will tell you after that." Smith replied.