This chapter will be deleted soon...

I want to be completely honest with those who have patiently waited for me to continue this story. Just over a week ago, my greatest friend died.

I really wanted to write, not disappointing those who stuck with me as I wrote the first 50 chapters but, on the 26th of April it became clear that her body had started failing. I made the decision to spend whatever remaining time I had with her, and solely her. Forgive me if I was selfish in this desire but it truly affected me. The three days I spent with her were some of the happiest and saddest moments of my life.

After she passed, I tried to keep a straight face but I struggled. I struggled hard.

The following days, I didn't really feel like my self. More of a zombie shambling my way through the day. An overhanging sadness followed me wherever I was.

Having to move forward I leaned on my friends and they helped me recover.

I'm happy to say that I will return shortly to writing for this novel. I swore that I would complete it and I will. I really enjoy writing it and have fun reading all your comments and reviews.

The week following her death, I neglected many aspects of my life. That has caught up with me. For the last few days, I've been in a mad scramble getting my life together again.

Today would've been the first chapter back but many things lead to it having to be delayed a little while more so I hope you all can bear with me.

I'll soon return to 1+ chapter a day.

I hope this explains my absence well enough. I understand if anyone is frustrated with my prolonged absence or feels like they deserved better.

Sadly, I am human. I am fallible.

Thank you all for sticking by me :)