The Four Kingdoms

"There are some things we wished they weren't there...

But when we were looking at it in the past, we didn't seem to care..."

Long, long time ago, there lived four rulers. Four rulers who owned a single island. An island big enough for the four of them to take over, but they wished to go on their own. They all decided to have their own ways.

The first ruler, was determined and persistent. He rules over his people with democracy, but overcomes them with power. He grew proud and boastful, he acted higher than others. So he was known, the first king, the King of Clubs.

The second ruler, was strong and loving. Filled his land with smiles and laughters. And in his luck, he found riches. Shared them to his kingdom for everyone to be pleased, but he didn't know, money will make them weak. They became careless and happy-go-lucky. Then it came, he earned the name, King of Diamonds.

The third ruler, the only girl among the four, was wise and strategic on her form. She led and aided her kingdom. Gave them advancements like flying devices and mechanical tools. She made her kingdom the best among all four, but she wasn't satisfied. She wanted more than fancy gadgets. She wanted more men and more riches than the others. She started to get jealous and became greedy on what she owns. And because of that, she was called, the Queen of Hearts.

The fouth ruler, was completely different. Compared to the other three, he was indespicable. Cruel on his acts, and rash his attitude. He was evil in his mind, but they didn't know he was soft in his heart. He ruled his kingdom, with an iron fist. Because he knows, to align one person, you must be strict. Everyone adapted his character, but became proper citizens. A kingdom of terror, was a town of peace and laughter. The Kingdom of Spades.

Four kingdoms. The Kingdom of Clubs ♧, the Kingdom of Diamonds ♢, the Kingdom of Spades ♤ and the Kingdom of Hearts ♡. Different and distant, yet came together as one. Traded and aided each other like siblings of one...

But those happy days, did not anymore last.