10 Pledges

In the sect, even though we were still far, I saw silhouettes walking on the streets of the sect, it was bustling, I was confused, how come someone is already living here? Sirius!

[Those are clones old man, they were just empty vessels at first but god helped by giving souls into them, they were created so they became a real person now, as, for their memories, they serve the sect since they were born and always be loyal to you]

Eh? is there people inside the sect too?

[Yes, they serve as the guardians of the sect]

Guardians? what kind of guardians?

[Your workers, they all had their own jobs, for example, the clone that created by the god, he named the clone Bosaner, he specialize in formations, so he became the teacher of formations in the Sect]

Then all of the expertise has their own masters already?


Then what do I do? You don't expect this old man to die from boredom do you?

[Don't worry old man, you can focus on creating cultivation techniques, I will also give you some missions]



Create 100 different kinds of cultivation techniques in one week

Rewards: 50 System Points

Is that all am I gonna do? well I can do it, I turned my head around and gestured the villagers behind me to follow, when we reached the entrance of the Sect, I stopped, I turned my head around "Once you enter my Sect everyone must take an oath, I will tell you the pledges and rules first.

The Ten Pledges

1. All Murder, Robbery, and Rape are not allowed in Sect grounds.

2. Thou shall not think of betraying the Sect

3. Fights can only happen in the Arena

4. Thou shall not fight without permission

5. All Conflicts in Sect must go through to an Elder or Sect Master

6. Any thoughts on betraying the Sect will be immediately killed

7. All Sect peoples and Sect disciples must pledge with their life.

8. Those who do not abide by the Pledges will have their life be taken.

9. In the name of the Sect Master, The Pledges above and Rules shall never be changed.

10. Let us live a happy life.

I explained I removed anything that may destroy the sect, with this no one shall do anything bad, of course, those were only the major pledges, there are still thousands of minor rules but I can't explain it right now, It will take a week for me to explain those so I made Sirius write it on a book.

The Villagers looked at each other, the rules were strict and a single malicious thought can get them killed, the elder of the village kneeled in front of me, "I pledge my life to the Sect" the elder said, the other villagers who were thinking twice immediately kneeled when they saw the elder, my disciples also followed, I looked around and said.

"I took an oath to fight for peace... So do you... All of you..."

I exerted my dominance, the villagers felt a pressure on top of them, comparable to carrying a mountain, I used this sentence when someone wanted to join my sect, it was actually a keyword, once they said 'yes', they already became my people.

"Yes," They all said in unison, the pressure they were feeling vanished and they all felt warm inside their hearts, the elder looked a little younger, and the other villagers also, they all looked at me with reverence.

I turned my head around and entered the Sect, the villagers followed me and they saw how bustling the sect was, I decided to call this Civil Sect, this is where the Sect people will live, it's size was a million hectare, that was my rough calculation but it was actually much bigger, let see if I put it to Square Kilometer, it will be about 20,000 Square Kilometer.

Sirius has already provided the villagers with housing and their needs, as for money? there was a mission board were the Sect people had to do missions, every kind of missions was there when they finish a mission they will earn contribution points, I don't want a currency to be the same as the others, I can provide everything to them why look for others?

I told the villagers that their children 5 years old above will be able to be a disciple of the sect, I turned my head and looked at the mountain which the Sect was located, there were a total of 22 Terraces that was also pretty big, a terrace is about 1,000 square kilometer, it was like a rice terrace except the lands were much bigger, there are buildings built around it.

I actually underestimated how big the mountain was, initially I thought that it can only accommodate about a hundred buildings, but there were more than thousands on there, I also made a rule that only Sect disciples may enter the sect mountain, I and my 3 disciples entered the first level of the sect mountain, I will call it Kinder Terrace.

For the disciples who had just joined, they will stay in the Kinder Terrace until they reach the required realm to climb up which was Xiantian Realm,(A/N: I have no clue about Martial World Cultivation Realms).

Once they reach the Xiantian Realm, they will be able to climb the second terrace, which was the Elementary Terrace, Sirius laughed at me when I was naming the Terraces, In the Kinder Terrace, everything that is needed had been provided, from their houses to their food, to train the disciples, Sirius added a forest which beasts roam around, of course, those monsters had their own cages, it was like a zoo.

A Pavillion was also provided, which was empty, I taught the rules to my disciples, after that I went to the very top of the Sect Mountain, which I named, Everest, It was where the Sect Master Hall was placed, this time I didn't levitate instead I used the stairs, I made special mechanisms on the stairs, or more like a trial, first from Kinder Terrace to Elementary Terrace, the disciples will climb under heavy gravity, then next was a new trial when they climb to another terrain, for example, illusions, perseverance test, and many more.

Of course, the disciple didn't need to climb the stairs every time, a disciple had their own identity tokens engraved on their soul, a disciple who needs to do something at the Civil Area and had to climb down if he had reached the Elementary Terrace may use the teleportation to instantly reach the Civil Area, also same when going back to Elementary Terrace, even though I said that they had to climb, they actually had to climb more than a thousand steps.

The disciple actually didn't need to be a Xiantian Realm to enter the Elementary Terrace, as long as the Kinder Disciple can climb the stairs and reached the Elementary Terrace, they will become an Elementary Disciple.

I went to the Master Sect hall and started my work, I took an ink, brush, and paper, and started making Cultivation Techniques, with the memories that are given to me I easily created a Cultivation Technique, In the 1 hour I created 10 Cultivation Techniques, I sighed and continued making Cultivation Techniques, "Sirius, Play me some music please"

[Affermative, Playing Music: Two Steps From Hell - Star Sky]

"Thank you"