Wise Sect Master?

The battle of demons versus humans continued, I watched them as they fought the demons and there was nothing else I could say on their bravery, but the numbers of demons still overwhelmed them, the soldiers and my disciples were now fighting together.


In the battlefield, the soldiers and disciples of Magnus Sect were getting exhausted, "City Lord!, We are surrounded!" yelled one of the soldiers, Cid looked at the disciples and can't help but feel bitter, he was given help but they still can't defeat them, "I'll ask Sect Master!" said one of the disciples, he immediately took out a White jade and inserted some Qi on it.

It started to glow and later "Hello?" a voice sounded "Sect Master! we are surrounded!" Jen yelled she was part of the 50 disciples who were chosen to come, Veno and the others also came, "Yeah, I could see, that's good" it took them a few seconds to process what they heard, they were shocked by what have they heard, how could be being surrounded was a good thing? did the Sect Master forsake them?

"What do you mean Sect Master?, We are surrounded! Bisess asked, "Well that is Good that means you all can fire in all directions!" the moment they heard that the top 10 disciples immediately move while the others were still in a daze, "well what Sect Master made sense," they thought, the first one to move was Veno, he dashed in front and unsheathed his katana.

He raised his sword up high and then a flash came out of his eyes then he roared "AfterShock!", Veno swung his sword and then an energy wave came out of it, making cracks on the ground, it extended for a few meters, it killed every demon it passed by, The next one to attack was Bisess!

He now uses a spear, Bisess spun the spear in his hands, and then he jumped very high, "Chaos Fall!" he yelled then threw the spear on the ground where demons were packed like sardines, the spear was like thunder and reached the ground, and Bisess also arrived just half-second late.


The ground shook and fire came out from the ground, turning the demons around Bisess into ashes, the next one to attack was Blaze! he leaped into the air and his body started burning with fire! "Fire Parade!" he yelled and then 5 red light spread out from different directions, like a laser, it burned everything it passed by! the other disciples started using their spells and techniques, what Sect Master Jacob said was right, it was good being surrounded!


I stared at the battlefield failing to know who were the demons, the disciples were like killing machines, even when the demons tried to retreat they were being chased, I shook my head, my disciples are not disciplined enough I thought, it was good that they were improving fast, just who taught them to be like that, and why are they shouting as they used skills?? what is this? street fighter? haduken?? I sighed.

It didn't take long before the demons were defeated, the soldiers and disciples went back and lined up in front of me, then they suddenly kneeled, I was surprised, I turned my head to the City Lord and raised my brows, he was gesturing for me to do....sounds?? speak? oh! he wants me to make a speech, I coughed and then look at the disciples and soldiers, I raised my hand and roared "Victory!".

"Victory!" they roared back, I turned back my head to look at the City Lord who looked confused, hehe this old man had already used all of his wise words, I need some refill, I turned back and congratulated them one by one, the soldiers shook hands with me while my disciples hugged me, the treatment maybe different but you won't expect to hug these adults right?

After that the City celebrated, of course, I used this opportunity to advert.... to promote my sect, I told them that every 3 months, my sect will come here and recruit disciples, same as the other cities, the celebration lasted until midnight and as for the closing celebration, I told them a rando... A good story or maybe a good tale.

Now listen close, now listen well

I have a tale to tell

It starts not here, in mortal life

but starts two steps from hell

Two steps you say, Two steps indeed!

Tho' Demons sought the fray.

We fixed our spears and set our shields.

For none shall bar our way!

Two steps from hell, Two steps from pain

And two from straits of blood

We knew that should we there be slain

we'd walk where Gods have trod.

We saw the blood, we saw the fear

and still we battled on.

our foe had asked, "why stay ye here?

when half your men are gone."

I heard the cry, I heard the shout

We answered in reply

We took his taunt and hurled it back

"We've come to win or die!"

I see that day, I see that night

that night where demons screamed

Where shadows danced and comrades died

all hope was lost, it seemed.

We faced the lord, we faced that foe

the last, the lord of sin.

My friend and I, the last to stand

His horde had slain my kin.

That night I cried, That night I prayed

for strength to carry on

For might to fight and will to stand

for hope when hope was gone.

I stood with hope, I stood with strength

I stood and swung my sword.

for the souls of my brethren

I struck and then I roared

We'll not give up, we'll not give in

We'll always fight this tide.

I swung my sword and with a groan

That prince of Darkness died

I sat in blood, I sat in gore

and I knew that we'd won

We'd slain the beast and lived to tell

the tale of Veldann's fall.

After that, I and my disciples returned to Sect, when we got back I bid farewell with them and went to the mountain peak, then the disciples started telling their battle to the others that it spread like a wildfire, I also decided to use my stay here to create some events in the sect, I was thinking of "A Sports Festival!"