Before going back to his office, Henry ordered his chauffeur to stop at his father's old lawyer's offices. He whined as it was a long drive to the heart of downtown in New York City and that he would have to get the car cleaned immediately after. Henry waved his concerns off, miffed his driver was complaining about these things. He was paying for the car to be cleaned not the driver who was just going to have to drive through a car wash.

People bustled around him as the chauffeur opened the door for Henry to get out. Henry stuck out like a sore thumb as all the folks around him were in smart business suits and he was dressed casually. He could feel their stares boring into him as he strode up the stairs.

The young receptionist was chewing on a pen when she looked up with surprise, "You?"

Henry recoiled as she was dressed very haphazardly. Her hair was roughed up and sticking up in odd places. Her glasses were askew and there was a large purple stain that had hardened across her blouse. The tie on her blouse was done in a knot that looked like she had tied the ribbon as many times as she thought was possible.

He tried to keep his tone neutral. "I'm here to see Mr. Bao Chou."

The girl adjusted her glasses as she repeated the name to herself. She looked at him like he could answer her question. She squinted her eyes as she typed in a name into a computer. Then she turned to Henry with a serious expression, "I'm sorry sir, I don't think we have anyone here by that name." She folded her hands.

Henry looked at her nametag which was pinned to the center of her chest: Erin Weatherton. Henry sighed as she shook her head vigorously and repeated her earlier statement, "If you're loitering sir, I'm afraid I'll have to call security."

As she said this, a heavyset woman looked alarmed at this statement. She locked eyes with Henry and dropped everything she was doing. "Mr. Wong? My goodness." She turned to Erin who looked frightened. "Who do you think you are? This is a VIP client of ours from Wong Industries. Do you know who you're talking to? How dare you speak to someone like you own this place? That's Henry Wong CEO of Wong Industries. Do you know his net worth?"

Henry lifted his hand in protest. "She didn't know. It's alright. Mam, I'm here to see Mr. Chou."

The woman looked at the younger receptionist and whispered in her ear. The girl's face grew red as she began to spurt tears from her eyes. She blinked rapidly and began to shove her pens into a gigantic purse. Erin slung the purse over her bag and ran outside. Her hands

The supervisor looked at Henry with a pleasant smile as she apologized profusely.

Henry's head turned to see the girl sitting on a bench across the street. People were walking in front of her, ignoring her shaking body. He could go comfort her--but he put her out of his mind.

The receptionist put her chubby hand into Henry's so his head turned as her smile became sickly sweet. "I'm Linda. Mr. Chou will be with you shortly Mr. Wong. I can order you a glass of wine as you wait." She ushered him into a waiting room. There were a lot of straight angles and warm shades of brown and red that complimented the room. It was covered in soft leather fabrics.

Henry waved her off as he waited in a booth with a menu. A chilled bottle of champagne sat in a little basket of ice next to him. He had just checked the time on his phone when he felt movement on the other seat of the booth. He looked up and his eyes met the folded hands of his elderly family lawyer.

"How can I help you sir." Mr. Chou pulled out some company stationary and clicked a pen to ready.