He pulled away from her and touched his forehead to hers, "Thank you, Ellie, for not thinking of me badly for doing this."

He felt the moisture on her cheeks as she laughed. "I think you're brave that you want to help others."

Henry's voice caught in his throat. He wanted to say more. He wanted to say she was one of the most beautiful women of his acquaintance, but as he was forming the words, the moment was cut short by a low, angry voice emitted from the open door, "What the hell is going on?"

Henry moved his face away from Ellie's. With his fists cleaned, a slight young man stood taking up most of the doorway. Everyone was at a loss for words as the young man ran over to the bed and put his hands in his sisters'. His eyes narrowed as he looked from Henry to Ellie. Her white bridal pajamas. His expensive maroon suit. He looked irritated at the white roses that were on the side table. Henry saw that the facial features were a photocopy of the girl sitting next to him.

Henry realized with a sense of irritation, that his new brother-in-law had found them and Ellie had not told him the whole truth. Nolan Chen was a tall, thin boy, who looked almost as thin as his emaciated sister. His shaggy hair was tied behind him in a trendy man bun. He wore a green zip up hoodie with a lanyard with his university credentials hanging over his chest. He looked at everyone with disgust as his paint stained jeans spoke volumes. He looked at his sister with a look of bespoke terror as she tried to calm him by running her fingers through his hair..

Henry bowed his head in greeting. "You must be Nolan Chen. I am Henry Wong, CEO of Wong Industries. As you have surmised no doubt from this situation, you sister is my new wife."

Nolan turned to Ellie with a sharp tone of disapproval. "Ellie!"

She had a light of mirth in her eyes as she said playfully, "Nolan it's ok. I promise it's not what you think. I'll explain this to you later. I didn't want to disturb you when I know you have tests and lab duties. I know you're a TA now."

As she continued to stroke his hair, the strain in his eyes melted. He no longer looked like a raging matador, but more like a young man trying to change his social situation, only decade younger than Henry. He couldn't help but wonder how he looked too stressed for someone who should be out partying and socializing. A bleak tired look came over them both as he clutched her.

Mr Chou cleared his throat as he began talking about beating the traffic downtown. Deul rolled his eyes and pulled a champagne bottle out of a fridge. He pulled out some paper cups and handed them around. Everyone had a drink before heading out on their way. As Deul was leaving with the rest of the bottle he toasted to Henry, "This was my gift to you."