Nolan bit his lip in thought has he entered into Ellie's room. He closed the door behind him as he considered the option that had been presented to him. He could feel the business card burning into his back pocket. It was a long shot to go out and find a new doctor as Nolan had no idea whether the doctor could offer him anything he hadn't heard before. But it was the tiny flame of hope that he needed to keep going. Any amount of light, no matter how small was worth it to him to nurture. And . . . it wasn't his money, it was nice to think of using the CEO's money to help save Ellie.

He quickly took out his phone and Google the doctor. Her offices were located in the Beth Health Center on the other side of town. He could seen from his quick research that the hospital actually specialized in paralysis treatment. He set down the food he had brought for Ellie and could see she was completely passed out. Nolan didn't want to wake her up so he put it in the fridge and told the nurses where it was.

He sat down outside the nurse's station and tried to figure out the best way to get to Beth Health. The map of the bus's route showed there was a direct route between his university and it. He wouldn't have to hire a car to take him there, which was a relief.

He was looking down while on his phone when he collided with someone in a well pressed severe black suit. Nolan looked at him with confusion, he knew everyone coming in and out of the wards and he had never seen this man before. "Who are you?"

The man checked his watch, "I'm looking for Ellie Wong. Can you direct me to . . ." He looked up before patting Nolan's shoulder, "Oh you're standing in front of where I need to go."

Nolan stood stiff as the man tried to go past him, "Who are you and what do you want to do with my sister? I didn't consent to her--"

The man rolled his eyes, "Oh so you're the brother that Mr. Wong warned me about."

Nolan took a step back. "Wong sent you?"

The man straightened himself and said in a self assured tone that he had a lot of pride in the fact that he liked whom he worked for. "I'm here to see that Ms. Wong is comfortable."

"So you're here to confirm that my sister is still dying."

The man's lips set in a cold grim line. "My name is Michael. I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot more of you around the property. Mr. Wong did say that you're allowed to come any time to collect this month's allowance."

Allowance? Nolan flinched. He wasn't a child.

"I wanted to get to know Ellie a bit better so I can provide for her needs."

Nolan crossed his arms. "I told Wong that we don't need anything from him."