She laughed at she saw the horror in his eyes at her gesture. She relaxed the gesture before turning serious. She pointed the bow saw behind her. "What are you doing in my office? The waiting room is down the hall. Or would you like to learn what this is used for?"

Nolan put his hands around his neck as he found he had been holding his breath for a longer period than he would have liked. As he was closer to her, Nolan could assess see Dr. Janna Wu. She was no beauty as her face was without cosmetics and her hair was a short halo around her head, but he felt once she probably was. Her nails were manicured into short blunt ends. Her blood soaked scrubs, actually just an image of that rather than the actual thing. Humor was dancing in her eyes as he realized she was well groomed, just in a more subtle way that wouldn't be apparent unless one was close to her. The baby hairs around her face were a soft blonde which provided a stark contrast to her jet black hair. Her supple lips were curled up in a smirk that was due as she was one of the finest surgeons in the city, no doubt.

"I didn't mean any offense," Nolan said quickly. "But I have a referral and I haven't moved any of your books from their place. It's just more organized chaos now. It's nothing. But you are Janna Wu, the general surgeon?"

"That is true. But you need to sign in at the front desk." She dropped the bone saw on the other unoccupied chair next to him before taking the duffel out of her chair and beginning to throw off her scrubs. "Are you still here?"

Nolan closed his eyes as the woman continued to change. She was quick as the wrap dress he had seen was now on her body. She was tying the side before shrugging on a white coat which appeared from another drawer. She took out three mini gas station bottles of whiskey and looked at him with true annoyance.

He realized his mouth was open and he closed it.

Wu chugged all three before rolling her eyes and smashing the glass bottles into the trash can. Nolan flinched at the sound. Wu looked at him with bleary eyes before slowly closing them.

Nolan leaned closer and could tell from his vantage that Dr. Wu was a lot younger than he'd originally thought she was. Certainly still a woman in her thirties. Although it was obvious she did have premature grey highlights running like rivets through her unbound hair, they must have been from medical school rather than age. She looked tired, hanging on by a thread from the dark circles under her eyes. But there was a strange nervous energy to her as if at the same time she could walk up a cliff if need be. Her toned body was strangely bone thin but muscular. She was so strange, that Nolan felt like he would have believed she was a witch if it was a couple centuries earlier. He coughed loudly. "Dr. Wu? Are you--"

The doctor's eyes opened to reveal the bloodshot look. "Why are you still here when I told you to get you?" She began dialing security on her phone.

Nolan quickly got up and pulled out the referral note from Dr. Amrati. "Dr. Wu, I came here because I was told you were the only person who could save my sister."

Dr. Wu scoffed and leaned so far back in her chair that Nolan thought any minute it would tip over. "Do you know how many people come into this office thinking I am some sort of cure all witch? Doctors use me so their patients will get off their backs. I've perform 250 surgeries alone this week in total. I have seen close to 400 patients. I have success and not successes. Even if your sister was the next savior to save us from the Mayan end of the world that already happened, I would not admit him. Especially since the calendar has already ran out and we are still alive. No destiny here, no sir. Now get out of my office."

Wu ran a nimble finger through her long ponytail which she flipped behind her as she logged into to her computer. Setting her bluntness aside, there was a there was a strange compassion to her which made Nolan incensed that she would help him if he phrased it correctly. He took a breath and started again, "My sister is a professional driver who was forced to retire because of an accident in a NASCAR race. I'm sure you've heard of the Watkins Glen International Track. It was televised on FOX Sports News not too long ago. She can't move her legs anymore and is bedridden. My sister Ellie is in constant pain and she's having a hard time keeping weight on."