Dr Wu went over to her bag and opened the second and third tier of cake to reveal a compartment with a full set of surgical tools. She seemed hesistant as she revealed this. "I had this custom made for me when I went on a relief mission to Haiti. I mean I do a lot of children when I'm there so I wanted them to feel relaxed. Being too clinical can scare them. I have everything ready if you have a sterile room. But the main issue is whether this is something you are sure you want. The actual procedure is simple but I don't want to get sued. I'll need to print some paperwork as well."

Nolan and Ellie looked at each other in tandem. They both had the same steadfast look in their eye that they knew meant they were in agreement for once.

Ellie spoke slowly as she considered, "The longer I wait, I'm scared of what the result will be. I know my health is precious. But I think this is worth it." Ellie raised her voice and turned to the door. "Michael, I know your standing over there listening."

Michael appeared swiftly with a bemused expression. He bowed. "You've caught me madam. The sir is—-"

"I don't care what he thinks. Make the necessary arrangements. You know the layout of this seventy story building better than anyone who works here. I know you've been waiting to show your talents."

The old butler cleared his throat sharply. It was obvious that he was using his cough to resist the urge to smile. "That's quite enough buttering me. There is a small clinic on floor 55 which should be suitable to your needs Dr Wu. I hope you find it satisfactory. I also have taken the liberty to assemble the necessary documents for the doctor to sign for the Wong family insurance this will be billed through. My Missus uses the same paperwork so it was just a matter of finding a thumb drive which Ricky no doubt has found when this matter has been moved down some floors."

"Oh my. So I will be cutting today. I don't care. I'll be a bit late to a charity gala, but the suits won't miss me."

Ellie nodded. "Then let us do it immediately. The sooner the better."

"That's fine and dandy." Wu closed her bag and then looked back at Ellie, "I always wonder if I was the patient what I would do. In this case, I'd probably do the same. You have little to lose."

It was nice to hear, but Ellie could still feel knots forming in her stomach. She looked up at the I.V. bag dangling above her. She thought about the times when Nolan had tried to wake her after the accident. Her eyes were open, but she was too tired to form the words to comfort him. The stillness had made him think that she was dead. She had lived with slower dulled senses since the accident. Doctors and nurses would ignore her when her tongue grew too numb to talk. She remembered the nurses taking away her food trays before she was done.

An array of servants appeared in the stark navy suits that was a trademark of the manor. Dr Wu pulled out a syringe with the noxious drug. If Ellie could move more, she would have recoiled as she felt the prick of pain in her arm.

"Just one more time," Dr Wu said calmly as the drug began to take effect.

Ellie struggled as the stretcher was brought forward. Her body refused to respond as the numbness settled in. For so long, she had been dependent on the morphine to be alive. It had been nice, sometimes, when she had been despairing over her loss of ability to feel nothing. "I haven't felt this alive in such a long time, every time I take morphine . . . or have it added, it's like a tv has turned on and even though I don't want to watch it I have to. I can't even change the channel. I thought it was a door to heaven that was opening up, but now I know better. It was the addiction setting in." Her teeth scraped against her lips drawing blood, "I want to turn the T.V. off Nolan. I have to or Henry will--"

"Henry doesn't give a damn as long as you died." Nolan muttered.