Nolan scoffed. "Henry just needed someone to marry so he can keep this house and his money. I brought her here. He's just trying to save face. The wedding took place about a week ago. He doesn't know her. I doubt if Michael is as excellent of a matchmaker as he is a butler, he knows that you are here. And he won't know . . . right Michael."

Michael shrugged. "Back when this house was owned by the sir and the madam I would let them know this by asking one another. I don't work for the Chens I'm afraid so I can't say whether or not I will do so as you say. But in terms of protocol, it's a wife to tell her husband these things. It's also not my place to interfere, Mr. Chen."

Nolan couldn't help smiling to himself when he thought of how Henry would flip when he found that Ellie was not the dying wife he had hoped to have. He couldn't wait to see his face. It mattered little to him that Ellie would have to get divorced in this case. As long as Henry was out of the picture, it didn't matter how they got back to just being the crazy unmarried Chens.

As if Wu could look into her thoughts, she shot him a dark look as she followed him into the elevator behind Michael. Nolan had already asked everyone who was around him what he could do to help.

But he had only had Wu's cake bag pushed at him. The thing was like a metal anvil, it weighed a literal ton. He struggled with it.

Wu was amused by this, "Do you need me to carry that."

"No." Nolan said between bated breaths. "I can handle it."

They were lucky that Henry had said to treat Ellie to anything she wanted. Michael's orders that he was barking out sounded so strange. Nolan knew the old butler was really taking advantage of his master's blind faith in him.

The clinic on the lower floor was, as Nolan expected, swanky. There was the same gold banner that went around the top and bottom of the room in between white-washed walls. The offices were also only minded by a receptionist. Apparently the clinic had been closed for the day and she looked alarm to see Ellie on the gurney.

Wu looked cross as the receptionist began to push paperwork at them. Michael brandished the papers he had printed out upstairs at her. The receptionist had the asymmetrical haircut bob common for the personality type Nolan knew would give them a hard time. She quickly pushed the paper's back with a pen she lobed on top.

"Whose is the attending physician who authorized this? I need a signature. As you guys don't have one, I don't think this procedure will be have postponed for the next available time slot."

Dr Wu deftly signed with a flourish. She clicked the pen and set it down. "There we go. We have the facilities. We have the insurance. How you going to stop me now?"