Dr Wu was logging in to the computer and had pulled up Ellie's x-rays. Her tongue clicked in displeasure as she splayed her hands on the monitor. Wu used her fingers to zoom in and out of the image before circling the piece of metal on the display that she had been hunting for. She took some notes before turning back to assess Michael's work. "Hmmm. Ok that's perfect, Michael. I promise this is a lot more simple than it looks. But dear god, I wasn't expecting how exuberant the two are."

"But I do like them two. It's too bad I'm about to cut one open. But I can't bear the thought of my master being alone the rest of his life. I just want more than the dark he's come to expect from family. Ellie is lovely. They would make a lovely couple too if it worked out. But I do want her to have the chance more than to force her. She's a fine woman."

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's hard working with a patient that you care about or know on a personal level. There's no shame in it. I refuse to operate on my own father when he pesters me because I know I would never forgive myself if something happened. Honestly, I didn't know much about the present situation as it was when I was consulted so I didn't know you felt so strongly about her."

"It's no problem. I have done so before. I'm a veteran. I can't back down from something silly as this. I had no problem back then. I hope I will not now."

"You're not going to faint on me now are you? How bad is your PTSD? Are you diagnosed? Is there a therapist that you go see if the episodes get worse?"

"Madam I have dealt with blood and gore and death and the whole spectrum of strange and terrible. Henry had a phase where he loved to jump from heights and injure himself. You know, children can be a handful. I'm sure that even if it is more blood than I can handle. I'll have a seat and continue."

Dr. Wu nodded. "However you are comfortable as long as you can hand me what I require." She began to explain the procedure in very simple language to him and explained how each instrument would be used in the operation. To help him along, she also had written down the order she would need each instrument with the numbers on the list corresponding to those on the instruments.

Nolan shivered as he looked at the blades. They shone in the sterile room. Scalpels and oddly shaped metal protrusions as well as a solid metal clamp that terrified him.

Dr Wu took a solid Velcro restraint from the side of the operating table and put it around Ellie's mid-section. Then she adjusted the light so Nolan couldn't see her face. She asked for the first instrument and began to cut.