Wu took her cake handbag from Michael as they entered the elevator together. Nolan couldn't believe that she didn't strain a muscle in her arm from the full weight hidden inside. As they opened into the Wong's huge foyer. Michael checked his smart watch as a notification popped up.

A well dressed waiter came into view with a towel over one hand and the other balancing two glistening bottles on a tray with three crystal glasses.

"Right per schedule," Michael said brightly.

The waiter bowed to Dr. Wu before ushering her into the prescribed reclining room which Nolan realized was a literal iMax amphitheater with a huge zen garden. There was a granite island in the center raised above with a stone bridge leading to it. Nolan doubted that Henry would have let him into this room if he had been home. The room was designed in a very masculine energy. If the room had belonged to him, he wouldn't have either. But, Michael was someone who definitely showed nothing less to anyone under his care. He was sure though, that the other servants probably spoke of him in places where he couldn't hear about the happenings of their sir and madam somewhere deep inside the bowels of the house.

Dr Wu collapsed into the easy chair with a little gasp of joy as she luxuriated in the texture. She had taken a glass from the waiter and held it out. But Nolan took it from her as he noticed how her hands were slightly unsteady.

He handed her back the glass filled and she sipped it with a quick thank you.

Nolan was curious. "Are you always like this when you finish a surgery?"

Wu looked at him with a guilty face. "I spent most of my twenties as a ballerina. When I was dancing I was the most graceful swan you'd ever seen. But off the stage, no one would believe I did so professionally because I was so clumsy with everything. When I decided to join the medical profession I had the same. I couldn't believe my test scores after because everyone assumed I failed because I was literally shaking before my exams. But it is true, what I do is very difficult. The human body is an amazing priviledge to work with but I hate watching how hard it can be with complications and family expectations. But you know sometimes it's the simplest thing to remove something." She took the drink like a shot. The waiter poured her another one and she grinned before continuing to sip it in small amounts.

Nolan took a taste of his whiskey. He made a face--bitter as battery acid. But he didn't want to seem rude so he continued to drink. He tried to make conversation. "Why do you let others call you the witch?"

Dr Wu snorted into her drink. "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course."

"I'm not actually a real surgeon!"

"You're kidding! After all that work it took me to find you. Is everything you've told me a lie? Did I just let some random person operate on my sister?" Nolan looked genuinely disturbed as he took in the information.