Henry quietly listened attentively to the doctor's explanation until she finished. It was a bit irritating as he would have preferred to have been handed medical records, but still tried to appreciate her words, "You explained it in a simple way, Dr Wu. I have no further questions for you. I think you've done an excellent job. I am not that close with my brother-in-law as of yet but I am sure that my wife is in a much better place thanks to you. I look forward to exploring that with her together."

Nolan looked at his brother-in-law with pure hatred at he uttered that last word. He couldn't believe the nerve of the guy. Wu had positively softened under the practiced power of Henry Wong's megawatt smile. Always the weaker species, Nolan wanted to say, if he didn't have a sister. But it bothered him that the most brilliant mind he knew couldn't see a snake when it danced right in front of her.

As he formed the image in her mind of Henry as a snake he couldn't believe that he had gone so far. The whiskey must have soaked into his brain. His anger towards Henry that he could take of Ellie better than Nolan himself could had probably come from the same spot. Before when he had cut Henry with the words, he had wanted to become invisible because Wu had looked at him with shock. Henry had looked like a freshly caught thief then, with his loot of stolen candy when Nolan had said those things. The beast did have a heart that wasn't locked away in a cage somewhere? Maybe Henry was just upset that Nolan didn't act like a servant appeasing him.

Ignoring his own grumbles, Nolan knew that an apology was in order. It wasn't a task he particularly relished, he realized. "I apologize for what I said earlier, Henry. I know you do have my sister's best interests at heart while she is here. But know that these events are what they are, I hope that you can still keep her while I try to find a place for her to recover."

"No worries about that Nolan. This is a manor on top of a skyscraper. There's 100 floors for me to put people in. I could probably put the whole population of several small towns in this building. If I want space, I have plenty of places for myself to go." Henry answered this with his usual cool flair as he stood up and turned to Dr Wu. "Doctor I hope by the end of the day you can send me the paperwork for finances. I will make sure your fee is reasonable seeing how Ellie will cope with what work has been done."

The doctor turned to the one who had invited her. "Nolan was the one who interested me in this case with his passion for his sister. He was very insistent that he would be the one who would be picking up my tab."