Henry sat alone in his Reclining Room watching a Marvel movie on the i-Max wall opposite his peaceful granite island. He wasn't really paying attention to it, but it was loud and colorful so it helped him to think. His interactions with Wu and Nolan had shaken him up a lot. He could imagine Nadius saying that his impulsive actions had finally come to fruition with these added consequences. Henry himself, would have agreed with his mentor. Things had not gone according to his plan.
As if feeling his stress, his corgi began to nip at his heels. He picked her up and put her into his lap. She began to loll out her tongue in a display of pleasure as her master began to pet her. Her delight in his presence always served to remind him that he did have to take care of himself before he could take care of others. It always made him shiver to think of Ellie upstairs, his wife that he barely knew now close to recovery. She was a pleasant conversation when he needed it but more pressing matters—-real emotion being brought out—he was sure her true colors would be less than beautiful. The moment she turned into something else, something vile was something he prepped for with bated breath.
He had always considered Ellie's quiet strength to be one of her stronger qualities Henry was aware of her racing past and knew that such a quiet meek temper was not what had made her succeed. She would change and those changes would affect him soon. His agreement has not been to have a happy long relationship as his choice of partner was now taken from him. Henry wondered if Ellie too had someone in her heart that she longed for whom she had turned away after her accident.
Being that he was in the public eye, he couldn't risk a divorce. It was a miracle the papers had not picked up on his marriage. His whole life he had lived in the shadows of his parents hard partying ways. After his father had cheated the first time, his mother had spared no time to start to parade around town with her trio of younger men. He had no interest in being in a courtroom where he knew that the reporters would laugh at the intimate details of his marriage and his father's will.
If he did decide to walk down that road he couldn't divorce Ellie without a good reason. He had a reputation to upload and divorce would bring bad press to himself and the company. Henry thought of irreconcilable differences as a means of escape, but he knew that the tabloids would have a hayday with that excuse. But even if he served Ellie with divorce papers, he knew that as she might decide she quite liked to live as a rich man's wife. He was glad to count Mr. Chou's prenuptial agreement so he knew Wong Enterprises was out of her potentially greedy hands.