No, please Mom . . . don't leave. Henry kept knocking on the door to make her let him in when something broke him into consciousness. Someone was tapping on his door. He felt a rush of extreme irritating come over him. Henry waited for it to pass before raising his voice, "Enter."

Madeline had rolled over with all fours in the air as her ears were arched in the direction of the door.

A servant walked in with a tired face wearing a crumpled suit which spoke of his nigh shift. "Michael, the head, asked me to inform you that you should be up. I probably haven't done the proper way to wake you, but it is so. The madam is very agitated in her sleep, sir. We were all worried after the nurses said she would sleep all night and she hasn't been. That's why I'm waking you on Michael's orders, Mr. Wong sir."

"I'm glad that I am informed. You're not in trouble." The servant looked at his bare chest and picked up the night shirt that Henry had thrown off while Henry checked the time on his phone. The servant offered him the sweat soaked shirt limply, but Henry shook his head while he pulled out a grey zip up hoodie from his closet. After sliding on some white slippers he walked outside where the hall lights were dimmed with footmen standing at every few feet. He knew the direction to Ellie's room so he quickly jogged to that room.

In the midst of his midnight run he ran into Michael who looked as distraught as Henry felt. His suit was messy and his hair tousled as if he had been wracking his brains also for what to do. Henry wondered, "Did Dr Wu leave a number where we can contact her?"

Michael nodded as he opened his wallet. He flipped it open and there was a wad of business cards in a plastic holder that he began to peruse. His fingers moved quickly as he found what he was looking for. "Yes, but she did specify according to the notes she left on the back of the card, not to disturb her unless Ellie was in a cardiac arrest or had further back pain."

Henry zipped his hoodie closed as they continued to where the invalid lay. The shadows on the walls were eerie as they reminded Henry of the dream he had been having. It was already so late, it would be a crime to call anyone up here at this hour.

Henry knew that Wu would be a pain to deal with if they woke her up so he entered his wife's room. She was rolled over onto her back and like a puppet her limbs were shaking scarily back and forth below the blankets. He forgot to blink as he saw movement in her legs. It was like she was revving up en engine. It was feeble, but still true ability had been restored. The witch had made true magic happen -- there was motion.