She wiped her eyes quickly so the tears wouldn't soak her nightdress. Henry knew she needed a moment so he pulled a chair up next to his bed and took her hands in his. The emotions cursing through her were strong and wild. He felt uncomfortable with others seeing her like this so he turned to the servants in the room, "I think we'd like to be alone for a while. It's late, maybe you guys can go to the breakroom and sleep for a bit."

The nurses and footmen all collectively looked at each other. Michael spoke up, "I think we can all turn it for tonight. I'll be outside if you require assistance sir."

As everyone filed out, Michael closed the door with a smoldering look at Henry who blushed. He knew Michael wanted him to be happy in this marriage, but to introduce anything to Ellie now, was improper. Let her be excited on her own health, Henry mused to himself. He didn't want to ruin this for her.

Tears continued to pour out of the corners of Ellie's eyes and she hiccuped as Henry got onto the bed next to her and put her head onto his shoulder. He could feel moisture gathering onto his hoodie, but he didn't care enough to move. It was alright. Henry tried to explain with his limited understanding of medicine what Wu had told him earlier on. Ellie closed her eyes and nodded as he did so. When he finished she seemed distant, "Are you taking this all in? How are you coping with these changes?"

"It's amazing. I haven't felt this alive since the accident or since I've been in my own car. But taking into account how sore I am, I feel like everything is on fire and burning."

Henry cracked a smile. "Like the meme. But is the pain intolerable? I can go downstairs and wake up one of the nurses. Michael is outside as well."

"It does suck. Everything hurts. I just had surgery so of course I'm sore." She didn't seem to be in pain. But it was more the tired look of an athlete who had played well in a soccer match. A happy tired.

"Ellie Chen, I know you're going to be really fun to be around now that you have your own two feet to stand on." Henry assessed her again. There was something different about her other than the redness generated from her crying. He locked on her eyes and tried to see into them.

Her pupils. This was the first instance where her hazel eyes were not enlarged due to the morphine she usually took to numb her pain. He tapped her I.V. bag and saw there was a new syringe of anesthetic morphine lying on the night table. He opened the cap for the needle and turned to Ellie,

"Wu did say that you might need more anesthetic after the surgery to sleep through the night. I don't want you to get sick from the stress of recovering."