Deul nodded slowly as Henry drifted away. He understood Henry's intention that he wanted help with making sure Ellie would not regret this attachment by communicating her desires to him. Deul looked at Henry. "The Wong Manor is just as beautiful as I last remembered. I would really like to stay here when I am a bit less scared of stairs. I really do appreciate everything you've done."

Henry smiled thinly before turning away. He knew that Deul wouldn't want him there when he spoke to Ellie. He picked up his Corgi and kissed her thoroughly before decided he would take her with him to his office today. He had a merger to plan. Nadius Prime would be happy to hear about Ellie Chen's miraculous recovery. And his other mentor, Wallace Wong would be unhappy to hear that yet again his attempt to take the CEO position from Henry was thwarted. Henry smiled darkly as Madeline cooed in his arms, his company was still in his hands.

He was answering emails and had just sent news to Nadius when his office secretary, Umber, opened the door to his office. Madeline barked so Henry shushed her. "What is it Umber?"

Umber was a retired boxer so his huge frame dominated the door. Henry couldn't see who was outside, nor did he very much care to be disturbed now. "I am sorry to disturb you sir, but the Hathway Brothers have come by to see you."

The Hathways? Henry checked his watch and cursed. Due to the whole marriage and Elie's illness, he had forgotten that he had made normal appointments with his peers. He knew that it still wasn't the high season where businesses wanted to collaborate. But hanging out, would still need to be cordial and professional. He really didn't feel like it.

He balled his hands into fists as he went out to the terrace to entertain. The Hathaway brothers were three nearing retiring age brothers who although had their own company always depended on others to save them from bankruptcy. In truth, nothing substantive would come out of the conversation, but Henry knew he had to keep up the relationship for the company's reputation. He went through the motions, pouring whiskey and offering cigars with a calmness even Umber said he envied. Although on the surface he was calm, but inside he was a mess. His mind rolled to Ellie and how she was doing. He wondered if she had overexerted herself yet. He wondered how Michael was dealing with the miasma from the drug withdrawal.

He was happy when the old frogs decided to leave him for he hoped someone who could be exciting. Henry breathed a sigh of relief. Umber reminded him that some of his appointments asked if he could come late and he stopped him. "Just tell them that I have something really important to do this afternoon--charity work, a doctor's appointment, family things."

Henry loosened his tie as he said this and put his blazer back into the closet behind his desk. He shrugged on a crisp bomber jacket as Umber whistled. "Where are you headed off to sir? You're going to take out a pretty lady so you're looking fly?"

"No man, I'm just going home. Nothing special. The only special lady in my life is Madeline."