Somewhere in the haze between reality and no, Nolan's face appeared as he wiped the tears off of her face. Ellie shook her head when he started to open the drawer where she knew relief was. She told him again and again that he didn't need to be there. Wu's wrinkled forehead above her appeared next as the cool pressure of the stethoscope came next to her forehead. Wu shook her head as Ellie felt her heart beating like she had run a marathon.

"If this was Henry or Nolan, I would have expected this. Ellie you should know better than to force yourself to this point. You're supposed to be the rational one." Wu spat as she reached into the drawer.

Ellie panicked. "I'm already in full withdrawal. If I stop now, Dr Wu, I promise I do understand your concerns, but I will just have to go through it all over again. I don't want to go back to a hospital and risk getting my body messed with again. I already had surgery. I can barely move. I don't want to do this twice."

Something flickered in Wu's eyes as her hands danced from the rim of the drawer to her stethoscope which was gripped tightly in one hand. Ellie braced when she opened her mouth to speak, but then Wu pursed her lips. "I won't force you."

"Thank you." Ellie said soothed as she sank deeper into her pillow.

Michael took up watch after Wu departed, a permanent crease etched into his brow as the time ticked on. Michael ordered the sheets to be changed to make Ellie more comfortable. Then he switched the tactic as Ellie complained that moving was painful and it made her feel cold. The footman then brought out blankets, but no matter what Ellie's body was still racked with shivers.

Ellie put her hand in her mouth and bit down until she tasted blood. She opened her eyes and looked towards Michael. It would be so easy to end this suffering now. No one would blame her. It wouldn't even need to be a lot -- just a drop would make it all go away.

Someone pulled her hand away from her mouth and began to wrap it in gauze. The strong steady hands were unmistakable as Michael handed him a package of wet wipes that he used to mop her face. Henry took a little antiseptic on to the wound before closing it. Ellie winced as it stung. She tried to wrench her hand out of his grip. But, he held her fast and steady. He shouldn't have come, Ellie wanted to say.

His velvet voice reminded her, "You're sick. You need taking care of. It's ok if it's me because I expect nothing in return. I never have. You can relax."

Ellie tried to blink away the blur from her eyes. She was too wear to rub it away. It was so strange to think that she had married a wonderful strong in mind and body partner. It was impossible. Husbands like this were only in the movies and kdramas.