Her dead tight grip around his waist loosened and she began to rub her eyes in confusion as she started to wake up. "Oh. How did I get here?" Ellie wondered in amazement. She looked decidedly uncomfortable as she looked down to see the proximity of his body to hers. "Oh . . . my. What an interesting position we are found to be in. I think this was probably the doing of the drugs."

"The doing of the drugs? So it is."

Breaking the tension, Ellie's body shook delicately with laughter, "What a shame that I had no idea what I was doing while I was doing it. What happened? Give me a quick summary."

She really was such a wonder to behold, clear and conscious when other women who have become violent or screamed. Cucumber cool, she didn't seem to mind that his hands were wrapped around her. This trait of hers he always envied--the grace of a true lady. Henry wished his heart hadn't jumped into his throat so he swallowed before becoming serious. "I was horrified to see you around here as this is quite far away from your room. I know I gave people a night off, but we do have people to fill in for them. I'm sure the replacements should be fired for their ineptitude in making sure of your violent end didn't happen in this dark corner of the house. This is a rather horrible place to be found not alive, there are too many things haunting this corner of the house."

Her delicate eyebrows knitted together as she considered his words. "I can't see a clock, but it feels quite dark. You did give everyone a night off which they deserve. I'm sure it's not a good hour to be up."

Henry looked at her and began to relax. Seeing her return to rational thought could mean that the withdrawn effect of the drug was slowly abating. He felt like he had watched her climb a mountain to its peak. It brought with it a sense of renewed calm. "That's good that you've noticed, my friend. I am very very happy that you can finally head back to bed."

Henry looked around nervously as he wondered how he would do that. He knew that he could shout to the point that people gathered for him to bark out orders. But, he was loathed to do so. Ellie's weight was slight and light enough for him to fully carry her back to her bed. He could feel Ellie start to fall back asleep and didn't want to risk her waking when he walked her. Henry knew his room was much closer and she really did look exhausted already. "Hey, Ellie. I know you should just have a little energy left, but can you hold on to me if I carry you into the next room. I need my hands to unlock my door."

Ellie looked unsure as she piggy backed onto him while he fished for a keycard in his wallet. Henry sagged under her weight, but he seemed to be able to withstand it without much complaint. "I think I can or I'll try for as long as I can. If I'm slipping I'll try to warn you before we both fall down."

He groaned as the lock switched to green and he knocked the handle open with his foot before rushing inside. He closed the door with his knee before letting her down. Ellie looked around the masculine dark surroundings with interest, finding the Spartan furnishing a good reflection of the occupant. A light had turned on automatically with a soft Japanese refrain as Ellie starred from what she realized was his closet into the enormous bed. Henry threw off his slippers before carrying her in his arms across the room. Henry threw back the cover and tucked her into the bed gently like she was a small child. Ellie waved him off when he pushed her hair back on her forehead. She wanted to move, but the pain in her back burst in a full radiating power over her back. Henry moved her limbs for her so her head rested on the pillows.