She didn't want to, but knew that holding on to him like this would not lead to anything good so she tried to untangle her limbs from his. Her jerky movements broke his sleep and he turned to her with soft eyes. The chocolate of his eyes were charismatic and clear like the reflection of her mother's tea. His skin was even more perfect and poreless like she was staring at the airbrushed face on a fashion magazine. To be so close, was as if she had been punched in the gut.

Her heart skipped a beat as she meet his gaze. He looked like a skilled martial general who had been cornered by an assassin and was waiting for the right moment to strike to make his escape. Then his eyes soften inexplicably and she felt like a small child crested in his lap -- the apple of his eyes. The strange emotions made her wonder . . . what from last night could cause this?

His tone was like the rustle of leaves as his eyes focused on her. "You have returned to your senses, have you?"

Her senses? What a perfectly polite way to put her mental trial. "Oh, true. I am back in my own bearing. I'm very glad that this ordeal is over." She cocked her head, indicating his room. "I am not really interested in this space for the reason it is yours. I never intended to intrude on your privacy like this. But I have no memory of how I got here, Henry. Can you tell me? I know my more able bodied age group would love to be in my position. But in truth, it makes me more tired to think of being cut by so many sharp tongues."

Henry nodded with a knowing smile. "You are not the one to covet being a rich man's wife."

Ellie felt good that in this they were in agreement. "As this is the case, how did I come to be here in the course of the night?"

"It's nothing worth mentioning. You were lost. I dismissed most of the staff last night due to my irritation so you were not properly watched. You got out and you wandered here, I'm assuming in search of someone to help you."

His voice made her remember a blurred vision of paintings she didn't recognize and statues that were sharp and cold to the touch. There was a guard rail that she had followed because she wanted to find home and a man's voice had guided her back. It was steady and strong like her father's so she had come around . . . Henry's face blossomed in her mind. A blush began to come on her cheeks as she remembered looking down at a mosaic a couple floors below her and wanting to jump so she could get near it. "Oh my god, I was so far gone I think I didn't remember that I was in your house. I thought I was Alice stuck in a wonderland that I was trying to get out of. I was going to jump off a cliff which I assume is that opening by. the door. I couldn't even tell where I was off to."