"That would suck for everyone who has helped me--that's a lot of people." Ellie felt as if Henry had through his discomfort said he wanted some space so she moved back a little more than she would have liked. She knew that Henry on paper was lawfully wedded to her but in truth they barely knew each other and she didn't know for sure whether her feelings were returned in the way she wanted. She did want to be with him in a strange way, but not physically just have renewed closeness. She craved his company even though she knew she was practically a child in his eyes. Her feelings had been bottled up for so long. She did want to know him better, but his story and past did feel problematic at time which made her recoil involuntarily.
She wondered that if she felt this strongly in a panic induced state, would she have pursued him if she had been back at the height of her career and well and whole?
His soft words broke her out of her reverie. "You were very stubborn to get to where you were going last night. If it's not too personal, would you be obliged to tell me where it is? Maybe we could go there someday or I could help you get there, if it is special to you alone."
The distraction was welcome. Ellie though back and savagely smirked. "Honestly, probably the Glen."
"What is the Glen? It sounds like a beautiful garden somewhere in the country."
"It is kind of like that, there are a lot of beautiful scenery that you can see when you're driving around. But, it's not a garden. It's a NASCAR track. It's the hot place where I won for the first time. That's the start of my career right there." Ellie sighed as she threw him a pick up line. "It's almost as hot as you."
Henry leaned away from her trying to hold back a smile. "You know I am starting to think you have a lot more experience than you thought I did."
"Is that a bad thing?" She looked at him quizzingly as she saw how his loose nightshirt emphasized his chest. "I'm just stating the obvious. I'm sure hundreds have people have told you that you could model or work in entertainment easily if you wanted to."
His eyes looked away as his body language conveyed a deep sense of uneasiness. Ellie wondered why he would feel so. From her limited encounters, men always were very aware of their charm. Maybe it was because she was used to dating more confidence men. Or, more realistically, Henry was probably thinking she was another of those helpless females who wanted him for his money rather than himself. He was a man who wanted to remain unattached and she was trying to put a leash on him.
She was pulled out of wondering this when the house butler, Michael, rushed into Henry's room. "Sir, I'm afraid that Ellie Chen is missing from her bed this morning . . ." His eyes opened in shock as he put a hand to his rapidly breathing chest from his sprint to this room. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry for . . . I'll leave and let you two get back to business."