"I'm glad."

"But I am feeling a bit unsteady. It can't be so easy as that. I'm sure if it was so simple than getting them would be something that everybody did. I'm sure that it must have some strict guidelines so as to prevent couples from abusing it just because it looks better."

Ellie nodded slowly as she digested Henry's question. "You are exactly right. It's not easy at all. A marriage can only be set aside because of certain reason. I'm sure the easy answers come to mind--being too young, fraud, not knowing you were getting married, not knowing your partner is already married. I think what could work for us is an arranged marriage."

Henry looked at her with shock as a beat passed as her true meaning sunk in. He looked at her with a sadness before his face changed to strain. "Are you meaning to say that you only did this because Deul told you it had been arranged by our pre-arranged? I didn't . . . I wasn't aware--"